
Louis Van Amstels Dance Blast!

I did something wonderful for myself yesterday and it gave me the boost I needed! I have had Louis Van Amstels Dance Blast Class on my list of things to try for a solid year. I was always too chicken or too full of excuses to go. This week however, after our preacher gave the homework ( yes we get homework at church!), I had to go. Our preacher asked us to do something that we really wanted to do this week, something we have been putting off. Well, the weird thing is on the way to church I was thinking I just had to try his class, but then the homework made it so!

Louis is about as handsome and sweet as you can imagine. His class is cardio ballroom, no partner necessary, and the beginners class (which I took) was a WORKOUT! Louis is a twelve-time dance champion, Emmy-nominated choreographer and best known for being on Dancing With The Stars.

Everyone in the class was so friendly, all ages, all fitness levels. Louis was so welcoming and inspiring. In between routines he was telling us about his partner Margret Cho and how hard it is to overcome negative feelings about yourself. It made me feel like I was on Dancing With The Stars too!

Now I must confess that I took Miss Covingtons Dance Class in second grade so I am a long time Fox Trotter and Lindy-er. I struggled a little but I kept up! And I was sweating!!! Most of all I was having the best time. I literally caught sight of myself in the mirror smiling my head off!

After the class I thanked Louis and he was sweet enough to say I was good! I nearly died. Can you believe this class is seconds from my house? I am so lucky! I cannot recommend this class enough. Have you done anything for yourself lately? Something you really want to do and have been putting it off? DO IT! And report back!!!


Jen said...

I am actually thinking of signing up for a dance class (hip hop) beginning this Thursday! Haven't done it yet...

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

I love where I live, but am always just a little envious when I hear about the great opportunities fellow bloggers have when they live in "the big city!" I can't even find a yoga class around here that isn't 45 minutes away!!

Kiki said...

I'm so glad that you took advantage of this opportunity and had a deserve it!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow neat! This is a really great site! I am wondering if anyone else has come across something
exactly the same in the past? Keep up the great work!

sunset bandit said...

I read this post and was so bummed I missed church Sunday. Thank goodness you wrote is EXACTLY what I needed. It'd been about three weeks since I paddled out to surf at my favorite spot (it's a little bit of a drive). When I read this I instantly thought of Topanga and how I was dying to go surf there and just wasn't getting around to it. This morning I got up and went out for a rising swell with my 12 year old nephew and my older brother. I had so much fun. Truly awesome and completely lifted my mood! Thanks sooooo much for inspiring me!!

Sandra said...

Good for you!! What fun! xoxo