
That's Money In Your Purse

I am taking a class based on Dallas Willards "Renovation of The Heart in Daily Practice: Experiments in Spiritual Transformation." My preacher is a huge fan of Dallas Willard and so I thought I would give it a shot. The book is packed with information, and pretty hard to take on, but our teacher is amazing. In the book you are asked to take a part of you, and transform it. I have taken on worry. I, The Mrs, am a worrier! I needed a new way to live rather than riding the worry roller coaster.

Now instead of worrying I go to God and ask for help. It really has worked. So simple but hard to do when you are running the worry program like a little computer (which I was). The next step was to tell friends you feel safe with, that this is what you're working on and let them help you. The teacher explained that God will work though them.

At lunch yesterday with an old and dear friend I admitted my addiction to worry. I told her that at the present moment I was worried about finances. I was worried about being provided for. She listened and was loving and kind.

That evening before I left for class, I was going through my purse and found a $100 bill. It was simply folded up and stuck into the inside pocket. My friend wanted to show me I would always be provided for and I was safe. I cried. When I called to thank her she said: "Don't cry, I didn't want you to be mad I gave it to you. I am just so grateful for our friendship". That money did not solve my financial woes, but it made me feel more loved and cared for by God then ever.

What needs transforming in your life? Is your God big enough to handle it? How can you help someone who is trying to transform their life?


Maureen said...

brought tears to my eyes...

thank you for sharing this.

Michelle said...

Oh sweet blog friend, this post was wonderful! Saying a prayer of peace for you this morning!

Beth Dunn said...

That is such a sweet story.

Kim Reese said...

God does work in great and small ways. You have been blessed with a wonderful friend.

Kim Reese said...

What a wonderful friend you have! It's amazing, when you open yourself and realize all His miracles -- big and small. I pray for your continued transformation.

Sandra said...

I, too, have the worry addiction. I try to remind myself: If you're praying, you're not worrying; if you're worrying, you're not praying. xoxo

Henley on the Horn said...

You are so right. God can handle ALL things for He alone is all-powerful!! When we try to do things by our own strength without relying on Him, we fail. He alone can transform you! :) Hugs!

Kate said...


"Worrying is like praying for something you don't want." -- wish I knew the source of the quote, a friend passed it on to me.

Everything you need is already available, just allow for God to give it to you and let Him worry about the how;)

Unknown said...

You have such a wonderful friend. But you obviously must be a wonderful friend, too, for her to do something like that. It just shows how little things can truly make you feel cared about and loved. And thank you for pointing out that turning to friends and family for love and support is a good of luck to you as you continue your reading and course work.

Buford Betty said...

Such an awesome post! And you won my Dave giveaway so I will consider that my way of helping you transform your life - woot woot! His teachings sure have transformed mine.

And ditto on the worrying thing... I drill these verses in my head constantly:

Matthew 6:31-34

"So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Anonymous said...

Brought tears to my eyes. We're praying so hard for you all. Love, CeCe

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Oh, this brought tears to my eyes! I don't worry about you; you will always be okay.

bevy said...

How wonderful to known that God is ALWAYS in control. I used to worry... I thank Him that He has taken that away from me (most of the time!). And what a wonderful friend you have to remind you...