
Don't Mess With Me- I've Joined The Junior League

Can you hear my mother snickering? If not you aren't listening hard enough. She has been trying to get me to join "the league" for years. Then I had two kids and went to "Baby Vegas", where you have no idea what time or day it is and all you can do is survive!

A girl friend had asked if I wanted to go to the informational meeting with her and I agreed. I was a little scared, especially when I saw I was the old lady in the room! After talking with some "older" gals, I decided to join. I went to the provisional retreat to learn all about what my first year with the league will be like.

To be honest, my reasons for not joining before, was that I thought it would be a group of snotty women looking for something to fill their time with. BOY WAS I WRONG. These ladies are the most welcoming, sweet, and hard working women I have ever met. They are all about helping the community and empowering women and you know what? That is a group I am proud to be a part of.

Here are a few fun facts about the league:

-It was founded in 1901 in New York City by a 19 year old named Mary Harriman as a womens volunteer group.

-There are leagues in 292 communities including Mexico and the UK

-They provide trainings throughout the year for members on everything from social media to refinancing your mortgage

- They have been in the forefront of community needs for years and have received numerous awards (they were one of the first to work with babies who have HIV)

- This year their main cause is fighting childhood obesity with "Kids In The Kitchen".

So don't mess with me ladies. I've joined the Junior League! Are you a member?


Uncommon Blonde said...

Yes! I love the League, I have had so many wonderful opportunities and met some amazing women during my time as a member. My best friendships have come from JL! So glad you've joined, they are lucky to have you

Jen said...

I'm not a member. It looks great (the volunteering aspect) and fun, but maybe a little time consuming (for someone with a family and full-time job?) with all of the meetings and trainings. Let us know how your first year goes!

Suburban Princess said...

Sounds like fun! I am sure you will fit right in and have a blast!
I just joined Rotary Intl after checking out the local Beta Sigma Phi chapter and didn't feel welcomed or like a part of the group at all...the fight Rotary meeting I went to made me feel like I fit in!

Mrs. R said...

Yayyy!! Welcome to the club darling! I assumed you were already part of JL! I am a member of the JL in Atlanta. You are right, these women work hard and you will find that some of your best friends will come out of your provisional group. I love JL because you have single ladies, working moms, SAHM's, business owners, and just an overall great mix of ladies.

Keep us posted on your experience! I know you will love it.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I'm actually going to a meeting this week!!! I felt the same way you did, but have some friends who are members...they love it! I was even going to blog about it too! lol!

PaperCourt said...

Loved my years in the Junior League of Seattle. Not only did I serve our community but I also made amazing friends. Way to go, OFM!

Debra said...

I am not. But I almost joined when we lived in VA, then we moved so I didn't. I agree, the stereotype is one thing but the ladies I met there were great. Enjoy yourself!!

Pretty Personal Gifts said...

Congratultions on joining! I haven't but someday I might!

Suzanne said...

Yay, good for you! I have been thinking about the RI JL for a while...maybe I'll go for it too!

bevy said...

I loved my League experience... joined a year out of college at age 23 and spenone5 glorious years until I moved to a town without one. VIVA THE JUNIOR LEAGUE!

bevy said...

I loved my League experience... joined a year out of college at age 23 and spenone5 glorious years until I moved to a town without one. VIVA THE JUNIOR LEAGUE!

Always Organizing said...

I am a proud member of the Junior League of Greater Princeton! I too had some misconceptions before I joined but I really love it. I have made some wonderful new friends who I really enjoy volunteering and spending time with. I was a provisional last year and am now in my first active year. Good times!

SouthernBelleJM said...

Last year was my provisional year, and I had a BLAST!! I couldn't wait for this year to start. And, now that it's started I love my placement. You'll enjoy it for sure!

Kate said...

I have a few friends who LOVE JL & I had considered joining, but feel like my plate is full enough at the moment...maybe next year.

"Baby Vegas" cracked me up...such an accurate name for that time of life!

Michelle said...

I think you will have a great time, make wonderful friends AND do something for something bigger than your circle!

The 5 Bickies said...

I'm sorry I never joined! I was either too busy with work or too busy with children and now I'm just too darn old. They are lucky to have you!

Anonymous said...

I am now a Sustainer. I really enjoyed the League in our town and made some of my best friends there. Our members are not prissy and did some cool projects like Habitat for Humanity and playground building. i hope you have a great experience!

KK said...

Enjoy your time in the league. I really cherish all the memories and friends I made during my years in the league.

icing on the cake said...

I will keep my eyes peeled for you at meetings! Seriously, I love the league here in LA, and all the ladies I've met from other leagues. It's such a great organization.

Kate said...

I am definitely interested in joining! What is the time commitment for weekday meetings? I usually work until 630/645. Can't wait to hear about your experience!