
Texting While Driving? Texting While Dying.

My goodness. I did not want to watch the Oprah show about texting and driving. I am going to say flat out, I text when I drive. A lot. I even thought I was really good at it. I just didn't want to hear what they were going to say about it.


Guess who won't be texting and driving ANYMORE. That's right, me. I watched the show and it blew my mind. Did you know:

Texting and driving is = to having 8 drinks and driving.

Talking on the cell is = to having 4 drinks and driving.

That was clear enough for me. Then I thought about the times I have texted or talked on the phone and realized I was on the wrong side of the road, or had a close call. That is just crazy.

It was sad to see parents who had lost their children because they were texting and driving. These kids were sweet, good students, and loved their parents. How ridiculous to lose your life because of a cell phone.

I took Oprahs pledge, you can take it too here.


How about you? Do you text or talk and drive? Did you see the Oprah show about it? If you want to tell us anonymously you can. I know I am not alone!


Beth Dunn said...

Yes! I'm in love with my blue tooth as I am hands free on my phone. No texting while driving over here. Yes, we can talk any old time you want. Just email or call me! xoxo


Mom's Day said...

I don't text & drive (iphone makes it kinda hard) but I do read incoming texts and look at my maps app CONSTANTLY. I too saw the Oprah show. I also cried. And I have vowed to mend my broken ways. Good luck to all of us. -TechnoMom

MaryBeth said...

I can barely text let alone text while driving. What scares me the most is kids just learning to drive and what they are doing while driving. Texting to them is like talking, so they think nothing of texting while doing everything. Look around at a restaurant or movie if you want to see how kids text. It is what someone else is going to do to me that scares me the most. MB

Marla said...

I too was blown away...I didn't text much before, but now it is never!!!

Suburban prep said...

In Illinois it is illegal to do this.

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

I am so ashamed to say this but yes I have texted and talked while driving. I did not see Oprah but I have seen several stories about tragedies due to cell phone use and driving. I am an idiot also. Why would I put my kids lives in danger over a cell phone?!?

Suburban Princess said...

Thank you! Your decision probably just saved a life!
I dont know how anyone can actually text and do anything else! I can barely see what I am doing while texting!

Lin said...

I'm guilty of texting every now & then while driving.

I try not to but if I do it's always at a red light (I'm so trying to justify it, lol). I missed the show but I cant believe 1 text is equal to all those drinks. Wow.

icing on the cake said...

Thanks so much for posting this! I will be turning my phone off from here on out in the car - I think I get distracted even hands free!

Poolside with the Girls said...

I am so glad you aren't doing this anymore. Seriously.

I don't text at all so it's not a temptation for me. My car has a hands free phone thingy so I don't need to touch anything to call someone or answer the phone. EVEN THAT distracts me. You would think it's no different than talking to a passenger in the car but it is different for me. I loose my concentration so I have banned using it unless it's really important.

I'm so glad you posted this and I give you lots of credit for admitting it, committing to not do it anymore and encouraging others to do so as well. A+++

Debra said...

I didn't watch that Oprah - I knew it was going to be rough. I don't text & drive and rarely talk on the phone in the car. My daughter is 8 now and she is very aware of the cell phone so I don't want to set the bad example of using the phone in the car. Even dialing can be dangerous so I just try to steer clear of it.

The Laceys said...

Totally guilty. And I am still doing it after watching Oprah! What is wrong with me. I do try to only do it when I stopped at a red light though.

I almost wish there was something in cars that disabled cell phones everyone would not be so tempted.

The Hayden Family said...

Thank you for that information! I am forwarding the link to all my friends! Important stuff to know!

Cas said...

I too was guilty of talking and driving. I called my son (away at school) and made him promise no more texting and driving. So sad people die over a conversation that can wait.

Maureen said...

I couldn't even watch the show. I was so afraid of watching. I won't text. I need to not use the phone. Scary.

Claire said...

Thank you for posting this - I've texted twice while driving - and I won't do it again - ever - I do use my hands free while driving especially on long trips.

Life, Love And Lola said...

I'm guilty...You are not alone!!! Gonna think twice from now on!

PaperCourt said...

I need to take this pledge! I don't text much but I talk on the phone constantly. And I don't think a headset makes it any less distracting.

Anonymous said...

Guilty, and I'm like the most cautious person I know! I didn't see Oprah, but decided on my own what I was doing was beyond moronic and have stopped.