
Chi Chi Bags! Oui Oui!!!

This week I wanted to take the time and tell you about some of my latest fabulous finds! You know when I find a good thing I just have to share!

Chi Chi Bags are too fabulous for words. I am always looking for a new bag to carry and I love how comfortable and roomy this one is!!! I love mine!

I love to buy things from people who have a great story. Maggie has one! Listen to how she started selling her Chi Chi bags!

"My first trip outside the states without parental guidance(my mother watched too much Dateline) was to Costa Rica in 1998. It was the best time of my life. Backpack only, go where you want when you want, speaking Spanish, meeting the locals, learning about a different culture. It was the beginning of my now constant adventure seeking.
I've been to almost 60 countries- traveled for a year through Africa, Néw Zealand and Australia. Lived in Nicaragua. Took a few months through Asia, road trip from LA to Nicaragua, backpacked in Europe and never want to stop!
I came across the Chichi bag in 2007 when I was traveling with my fiancé through Cuba, Guatemala and Belize.
I saw this beautiful yellow cotton bag in the mountains of Guatemala and just bought one for myself. After bringing it back with me to Santa Monica and seeing the responses from people asking where this bag came from- (women were running from across the street to ask me!) I figured it might be nice to go back to Guatemala and get more bags and see how they would sell in the states.
I've been back to Guatemala seven times now and expanded to more colors and leather a well. It's great to visit the village where they come from, support their industry and families. There are now 6 stores carrying the bags in LA/SF/NY and Dallas.

It makes me happy to tell people about the bags and the history. They truly are the best bags I've ever seen. I carry mine everyday I leave the house.
Computer, clothes, food, baby bag, yoga- and out for the entire day or night. They are great as weekend travel bags as well. It's amazing how many people comment on them. They are very original and very sturdy and the more worn in they get the better."

You can order yours by contacting her at chichibags.com, or email her at: maggieproductions@gmail.com. She's even offering free shipping to One Fab Mom readers!


Melissa said...

Cool bag and I love the story that goes along with it!

Sandra said...

I love 'bags'. This story makes this one even better. xoxo

Anonymous said...

The white one is sooooo cute, although on me would be soooo big. But they are not cheap girl! xo to Landon!
-"Miss Jen"

Anonymous said...

the white one is soooo cute and boho chic but on me would be HUGE. oh and they are not cheap ;)
xo to Landon
-"Miss Jen"

The Hayden Family said...

Those are F-I-N-E. Putting on my wish list. Thanks for the tip!

Hope you are recovering well after the show!