
Expressing Motherhood- The Greatest Show On Earth

Here's how it started. My friend Nicole had done the show Expressing Motherhood, last year when it came to Los Angeles. She then told me about it and said I should submit a piece for this year.

At first I was hesitant. Me back on stage after almost 10 years? NO. Then I thought, I will be turning forty (remember how I am looking for new adventures?), and these are real stories of motherhood told by real mothers. I LOVE that idea.

Expressing Motherhood is a stage show conceived by Lindsay Kravet and Jessica Cribbs to combat the isolation of motherhood. It let's women share their stories of motherhood in a real and heartwarming way.

I thought of my "Hero Mother" post I had written, about Landon and a boy we saw at the mall. I thought it might be a good piece to read for the show. I submitted it and thought I'd never hear another word.

Then they emailed and said I was in the show.

Terrified, I acted like it wasn't really happening. Months went by, I had my tummy tuck, and then suddenly, it was rehearsal day. I was scared showing up that first day, not knowing the other mothers, wondering if my piece was good enough...

As the rehearsal began, and each woman told their story, I laughed, and cried through the whole thing. I knew this show was something special. That I was going to be a part of something wonderful. That performing with these fabulous mom's was a privilege. We were going to give a gift to some Mom's and Dad's, a night out where you feel loved, appreciated, accepted and understood. Plus there is wine. Can't beat that!

On opening night, the Mr, my neighbors and friends all were there to support me. I was so nervous, but I did it. I am so proud of myself. I am feeling like a Hero Mother. No better feeling than that.

Lindsay Kravet and Jessica Cribbs have found a way to unite mothers all over the country. Expressing Motherhood is now coming to Des Moines and Boston! Of course there are also more shows this weekend in Los Angeles. You can get tickets on the wesbite. Come and see!


Jill said...

How cool! If I was in or near LA I would for sure come to see you and support the show. Way to go!

Anonymous said...


KatiePerk said...

How awesome are you? That is so cool!

Headbands and Hand Bags said...

How exciting! I am sure you stole the show!!

Henley on the Horn said...

Wow! That is just FABULOUS!!!! So what have you done on stage in the past?

Seersucker Scrapper said...

I am definitely going to check this out.

I am sure you were awesome!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Sounds like it has been awesome! I wish I could have come. My work schedule is prohibiting me from doing fun things lately.

Melissa said...

Congratulations on getting into the show and performing! I bet your were amazing! The show seems like a great idea!

PaperCourt said...

How great! I wish I lived near LA...I would love to see it.

justme said...

that is awesome !!!

LPC said...

Congratulations! I didn't know you were doing this. Maybe there will be pointers to a YouTube video somewhere?

Sandra said...

Well, Mrs. Fabulous, Congratulations! You are amazing!! Check this one off your 40 list ;-) You need to repost that post and post a video of your doing this! xoxo

Suzanne said...

Congrats, how awesome!

Anonymous said...

oh that is so awesome!!! Is there a video or clip we could see?!


Kiki said...

Wishing I lived nearby so I could see it....I know you are amazing!!!

Maureen said...

Go, you! How exciting. It comes as no surprise to us that you were selected, but an honor to be celebrated. I hope it comes to DC!

The Hayden Family said...

How incredibly cool!!!! Is there a way for you to post a video of it?!?!?! That is so awesome! Excited for you!

Mags said...

That is great, Mrs.!!! I wish I was near L.A; I'd love to see it too. I'm going to keep my ears and eyes open to see if the show comes to the DC area.

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...


Leslie said...

That is so awesome!! Way to go!! I wish I could have seen you onstage and heard your story!!

Calif Lorna said...

I so enjoyed your piece at Expressing Motherhood, I went on Sunday evening with some girlfriends.

I was full of admiration for all the women participating and the stories they had to tell. It was a great evening.

Caffeine Court said...

I can't believe I missed this post!! Congratulations, I don't think I will EVER get back on stage again. I am VERY impressed.

Great job.