
First Birthday Gifts For Baby Girls! Starting Your Girl Adventure!

First birthday's are a big deal. I feel like this is the opportunity to make a statement, to buy something special. You will buy them toys for every other birthday, let's think outside the box shall we?

We were going to attend my good friend Katies youngest child's birthday. Baby Sarah is the younger sister of Landon's best friend Maddie and baby Coco's first real girlfriend! How cute is that!?

I knew baby Sarah needed something special. Something to start her adventure as a girl. So I went to Bloomingdales and started her china pattern! I bought her a dinner plate from Villeroy and Boch.

Areaus is such a gorgeous pattern (shown above). Bone china with golden filigree, auquamarine and lotus flowers. I know this is kind of a bold gift. I mean who knows what she or her Mom really like, but I think it's the thought that counts. Her Mom can change the pattern or return if she likes. (I don't think she will though, I think she wants it for herself too! LOL.)

I think of Baby Coco and I want to do the same for her. I want her to have silver and china and all things fabulous. I was a little late to the silver and china party (not really, wedding gifts), but I want to start Coco early on respecting tradition and the finer things.

I can remember my parents enrolled me in Miss Covingtons Dance school when I was very young. I complained about it, but I loved every second. We wore white gloves, learned to treat the boys with respect for at least an hour, manners and how to do the fox trot. I still remember the fox trot and I do a mean Lindy if I do say so myself.

These kind of traditions, collecting china, silver, learning manners and proper etiquette and dancing are becoming lost arts. Not in my house!!

What about you? What are your traditions? What's your best first birthday gift for a girl?


Bridget said...

That is the sweetest idea and I LOVE the pattern you chose! So pretty and fun


I am laughing SO hard right now at the post about The Real Housewives of the OC...I was cracking up at the youthologist! Are you serious? Those daughters need some TLC and to be told that there is more to life than working out & plastic surgery. Lynn needs a counselor on how to parent. At 29, if I talked to my mama that way, she would slap me into next week. And I would have it coming. I am sure there is alot of editing, but from what we have seen of her, Lynn is CLUE.LESS!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the blog!!!
Hugs from Nashville,
Katie Jane

Always Organizing said...

I LOVE this idea! I am also a little late to the china and silver party, got into it in the last couple of years and received many lovely china pieces for our wedding. I'm surprised at how many of my friends are not into china, but I'm the girly girl in the group ;)

I imagine my grandkids using the china and saying "remember when grandma...". Great traditions to pass on!

KK said...

I love the idea of giving sterling silver and china. I also like to start an add-a-pearl necklace for little girls. That way you can give them a pearl every year on their birthday to add to it. An engraved sterling silver mint julep cup is also a good idea.

Belle said...

Love this. We only have ONE girl in our family so you can imagine the great loot she gets. We started an add a pearl necklace when she was born. So, so sweet.
Look at you, hot mama!! So gorgeous. I must do the tummy tuck. Must. You look fabulous!

have a great day!

Debra said...

I like the idea of the china - that pattern is beautiful! My daughter gets a place setting of Lenox Christmas china every other year-we started that her first Christmas and assume she will be thankful when she sets up her own home.

I am a huge china, crystal, silver fan. Oh how I love it. If we were rich that's probably what I would spend my $$ on. My husband knows that he's in for a good 30 minutes or so if I wander into the China department!

It's nice that there are still people out there like us that think tradition and manners and etiquette are important.

I like the add-a-pearl idea for a first b-day or a nice charm bracelet, too.

Henley on the Horn said...

I love sterling ornaments for Christmas gifts. Mint julep cups for boys are great. For girls, I love a Madame Alexander Little Huggums doll, along with any of the collectibles like china or silver. We have a silver pattern for each of our girls; you can never have too much silver!! A charm bracelet is another sweet idea!

Anonymous said...

Loving that idea!! I want to get my daughter the pink cupcake charm from Tiffanys for her first birthday, and maybe add charms every year.

nanny said...

Beautiful pattern,,I think that is a wonderful idea!!!!

BroncoMom said...

Birthstone ring - a must!

Queen Bee said...

loving that idea! i am so doing that for my neice who turns 1 in april! thanks! and nice choice with the china, LOVE it.

icing on the cake said...

What a beautiful idea. Honestly, it makes so much more sense than all the plastic toys. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in all the presents :)

Grove Gal K said...

for boys a monogrammed mint julep cup. for mini k's first bday (and the 3 since then) we have given her a placesetting of china...
for christmas we have been doing a sterling silver monogrammed napkin ring
i like iving her something that she will be able to pass down as she has more than enough toys!