The Mrs is having a fashion crisis. Now that I can fit into regular clothes, I have no idea what to wear! It's been five years since I have dressed in terms of fashion, not practicality. I have just been trying to hide the preggy tummy, not looking at color and style. I am now trying to figure out just what my style really is!
Enter Rita Wilson, who was on Oprah giving fashion advice. Now she is not the first person I think of when it comes to fashion, she really made a lot of sense!
She said to apply the way you feel about yourself to your style. Take three adjectives and describe yourself (artistic? Sexy? Feminine? Accessible?, warm?, fun?), then buy clothes according to those words. Hmmm am I : Sassy?, classic?, preppy? Gotta work on it.
She also said if high heels are killing you, you must try platforms. I think I have to try this tip!
Her four items she said every girl needs are:
1) Black jean legging or black legging
2) Black boot, or black shoe boot
3) a jacket
4) a scarf
She says some women who feel like because they work at home or are stay at home moms, feel style isn't important. To them she says:
"Get Cute For YOU!!"
I agree.
Some of the women just cried because they felt like the makeovers brought who they really were out.
Here are Rita's Top Ten Overall Fashion Tips:
1) If you haven't worn it in a year throw it out!
2) Trust your personal style. If you don't feel comfortable it isn't you.
3) Don't skimp on hair cut and color. It's important!
4) Wear comfortable shoes (but not ugly ones!)
5) Alterations can make an outfit!
6) When you travel, be stylish! Throw out the fanny pack!
7) If you travel a lot have a toiletrie bag ready to go.
8) Simplify your makeup: you need, foundation, black pencil, a brown shadow, black mascara, cream blush, translucent powder, natural lip liner, sparkly lip gloss and three shades of lipstick, red, neutral and pinkish.
9) Get new bed clothes/ Pj's every year. Cosabella is her favorite.
10)Be grateful!
What do you guys think? Any of these that you do or swear by? Have your own fashion tips? What are your three adjectives that describe you? DO TELL!
I agree with most of her tips. I keep clothes forever - I still have a coat from highschool! Just because I didnt wear it this winter doesnt mean I would never wear it again.
I don;t have a lot of money but everyday when I run my son to preschool I try to be "cute." Honestly, it makes my day better. On the days I wear exercise pants because I am taking my other child to parent/tot swimming I feel ugh.
I just discussed dressing up for my job with a coworker. I have a casual office but actually feel better/am more productive when I dress up! I am empowered. Those are all good tips.
3 words...Classic, Preppy, Sensible
At least that is what I try to aim towards!
let me go out back and shake the money tree... my three words CHA CHA CHING!!!
Those are some pretty great tips. You know, I only have 4 of the 5 things she lists as must haves, lol. I guess I'll have to go out & do some shopping.
I'd describe myself as fun, relaxed & sassy.
You must get a copy of the book Style Statement. It's a giant workbook that helps you distill yourself into 2 words. It's work, but it's fun.
I agree with the platform shoes. They are so fun and so much better than regular heels! I just bought some 5" heels, but with the platform they are a cake walk!
I too am hiding my pregnancy belly...waiting to lose more weight so I can go get a TT!
You're right, when I think fashion my mind does not automatically go to Rita Wilson but these are great tips!
Don't stop dressing cute just because you are getting older! I am almost 60 and I still wear cute tops, sweaters, shoes, and accessories from J. Crew. And I never feel like i am trying to look 20. xoxo
Agreed girl! We moms have to band together and stay dressing cute! My pajamas are pitiful, pitiful.
Oh yeah, my adjectives: classic, whimsical, jean wearing
Those are great tips! I always believe in splurging on certain items that you know you will wear over and over. Can't wait to see your wardrobe update!
Great advice!! I need to revamp the wardrobe a bit. Loving Nordstrom more and more. Have a HUGE wishlist :)
Whimiscal, sexy and New Yorker (yeah, I said NY-er)...I unapologetically love black, gray, white...etc. I throw in some pink or yellow but mostly my closet is black, gray and denim. I need it to be as easy as possible to get dressed in the morning!
One of the things I love most about my job is helping women find their personal style and changing the way they see themselves in clothes. I pride myself on being super patient and being super honest....but the best part is when you find a pair of jeans that fits a women just right and you can see it in her face....she comes alive...that is a great feeling!
I can't wait to see what you pick up to fit that new body of yours!!! Wish I could be there to shop with you!!
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