
Engagement Stories...Love em!

I was looking at The Mr the other day and remembering how it all began. I immediately thought of my engagement. I can remember how fast things were going. We met, in two weeks he moved in, September 11th happened a few days later (bringing us even closer), and then it was Christmas.

We had flown to Virginia to my fathers house, my Grandma and Aunt were there too. to be honest I just knew the ring was coming. I knew he'd ask my Dad for permission and then on Christmas that would be my gift! Best gift ever! Right?


Christmas came and no ring. Now it was only a few months we were together, but I really felt that ring was coming! I was so confused!

On Christmas I had all these meaningful gifts for him, he gave me a silk nightgown. I have to say I was disappointed! I was sad.

We flew back to LA and I was sick, I mean throwing up and insane sick. I swear to you I made myself sick over this whole thing. I was really being ridiculous!

A few days later, at a party on New Years, I had forgotten the whole thing. The ring would come when it came. As I was busy talking an chatting away the Mr came up and brought me an hors d'oeuvres. It was goat cheese on a crostini with a pansy on top (my sorority flower!). I accepted it, but then noticed a funny look on his face.

I looked down and the ring was on top. He asked me to marry him. I said yes.

I was engaged.

Turns out I was right. The Mr was going to propose that night at my Dad's but the ring hadn't arrived! He had no choice but to run out for a last minute gift. I was so thrilled to be engaged I didn't care about the mishap! How about you? What's your engagement story? Perfect? Romantic? Or mishap turned fabulous like mine!!?


KatiePerk said...

Awww what a sweet proposal! Too funny that he had to make a change of plans!

Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

That is SOOOO sweet!

Melody said...

I love engagement stories...I just love "love" I hope it's been a blessed union ever since. Now I just might have to post my engagement story...thanks for reminding me. Have a beautiful day.

Suburban prep said...

What a darling story.

KK said...

My proposal consisted of: while we are at the mall "you wanna go look at engagement rings"--not the most romantic but 14 years later, here we are!

Henley on the Horn said...

When you know, you know! What a sweet story!

Melissa said...

That's so sweet! I didn't know you guys were only together a few months before getting engaged!

Our engagement happened on the promenade of the Brooklyn Bridge in July 2008. Jeff had expected to do it a few weeks earlier, but my ring wasn't ready either! He knew for years that he wanted to propose to his future wife there, and he did it after we had been together a year and a half. His mom was with us for a pizza dinner at Grimaldi's beforehand, but she was getting ice cream for us nearby when he proposed thank goodness! I didn't want family there when he did it! We had gone ring shopping for ideas and I knew it was coming (I thought it was going to be in Disney that March and I was really upset that it wasn't) but I didn't know exactly when. I kind of had a feeling it was going to be that night because we never go to Brooklyn and there's plenty of pizza restaurants near us. The only thing that wasn't perfect was the fact that it was SO humid since it was July, so my hair was pulled back and I didn't look as cute as I wanted in the pictures afterwards lol.

The Laceys said...

I did a post of our engagement story on our three year wedding anniversary. The link is below. Too much to type:

Seersucker Scrapper said...

How sweet! I will have to do a blog about mine someday!


We got engaged at Blackberry Farms in Tennessee. Seriously, one of the most beautiful places on earth. Check out their website! www.blackberryfarms.com
I wore my ring before we even got there. My husband made me take it off and let him propose. It was so funny!! HA! XOXO KJ

Suzanne said...

What a cute story!

I will have to share mine on Monday...our engagement anniversary!

Kiki said...

What a sweet story!!! I love that you guys knew when you knew.....unforch, I knew but it took Ken a little longer to know (5 years to be exact) No matter, because 15 years later here we are and I love him more today than I did then...so lucky in love!!!

Let The Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore said...

What a sweet story and adorable picture! xx

Maureen said...

Oh, this is such a great story. I love it all, and as I read it, I realized another reason why we click. Similar stories! Similar time periods, etc.

Like Preppy Sue, I am going to share my story on our engagement anniversary in March. I just have to remember.

Great story, Mrs.

Beantown Prepster said...

That is so sweet! We both got engaged on New Years! I shared mine on my blog about a week ago since my engagement is fairly new.

The Hayden Family said...

I am a sap for engagement stories. And yours is one of the best. And can we talk abt your story telling ability? Phenomenal.

Lin said...

Aww...that is such a great story.

The hubs & I were engaged on Christmas Eve. I knew that he had bought the ring but had no idea when he'd give it to me so I was on pins & needles for weeks. We visited his family in Northern CA for christmas & his plan was to take me up near Mt. Shasta & propose. Well, that didnt happen because there was a huge storm that night so he ended up proposing in our hotel room as we got ready for bed. It wasn't ideal but it was perfect enough for me :)

Solar Powered said...

Great story. Thanks for sharing. I expected my ring at a certain time too only to be delayed by delivery. Then when I least expected...

Beth Dunn said...

YOU are adorable!

PaperCourt said...

I had moved to Seattle, the hubs was still in Milwaukee. He came out to visit and we spent two nights at a fabulous hotel in the San Juan Islands. He put the ring in a glass of champagne. It's the same way his father proposed to his mother! I remember being sooooo giddy!

Always Organizing said...

So sweet! I blogged my engagement story awhile back:


Pink in a sea of blue said...

Great story. I also was engaged on New Year's Eve, but not so intimate. We were in Atlanta for the Peach Bowl and were out in Buckhead with about 10 friends for New Year's. Midnight came, we cheered, I saw Mr. Pink on his knees with a ring and he proposed. Surprised 8 of us. 2 knew (and the bar owners). That's how we got such a great table last minute! :)

The Undomestic Mom said...

How sweet!! Love your blog-Im a new follower :)