
Resolution 2010! Wash Your Face!!!

Yes, I am that girl. The one who doesn't wash her face and sleeps with her make up on. For years this never affected me. My skin has always been "good", "normal", whatever that is!

Enter my eyebrow lady and facialist (please I go once every 6 months) Cyndi. She was OVER me. Okay she still loves me but she's over the whole not washing the face thing!!!

She told me all about Bio Elements. I started using the flash foam cleanser first. It foams up immediately feels so soft and makes washing your face quick, easy and luxurious. LOVE this product. Doesn't dry out your face at all. Pumpkin, Papaya, and Pineapple enzymes really do the trick! Fabulous!

Then she also told me about Bio Elements Crucial Moisture. It is a miracle because every cream I have used makes me break out. This doesn't! Light and airy but makes my skin soft and smooth. I'm a believer!

What's your skin routine? Or are you like me? A person who needed one!!


Seersucker Scrapper said...

I'm like you I would never wash before bed. But now that the skin is aging I thought I should take care of it. I now use the Ponds Clean Sweep wet towellettes. I just pull one out of the pack and wipe off all the make up.

I love them!

PaperCourt said...

I'm exactly like you. I try to change my ways but I'm so lazy. I'm getting wrinkles now and it sucks!

The Major's Wife said...

I must admit a bit like you at night sometimes

Debra said...

I am bad about washing my face at night but I am proud to say that I have done it for the last 3 nights in a row. Maybe a habit will be born out of this. I am usually just too tired but I know it needs to be done. I use Dermalogica skin resurfacing cleanser from their AGE smart line which I think is code for 'mature' skin. :)

Jill said...

Half the time I'm a no-washer like you, and the other half I use whatever soap is sitting by my bathroom sink...usually Soft Soap. I know. Bad. If I had a dollar for every facial cleansing, cleaning, scrubbing, softening product I've bought over the years and hated....I'd be blogging from Capri. ha!

Melissa said...

I've dealt with more than my fair share of pimples since I was like 14, so I ALWAYS wash my face morning and night! If I sleep with makeup on I'm sorry for the next week and a half when I get a huge breakout! I still have to use Clean & Clear and acne creams. I thought I was supposed to grow out of this by now!

Beantown Prepster said...

I'm kinda like you- I don't really have a routine other than moisturizer with SPF in the mornings. I've never had skin issues, but perhaps I should take a page out of your book and get a routine!

Debbie said...

Now that I am of a "certain age", I find I am taking better care of my skin! Too little too late!

Kate said...

Washing my face at night is one of my non-negotiable things - I HAVE to do it!! This time of year I use a cleasing oil or cream - summer a lighter cleansing lotion (I am very product fickle...but I do love Clarins). If I didn't wear makeup I just wash with Cerave.

If I'm exhausted & feel like I'm ready to fall in bed - I might forget to brush my teeth - but always wash my face.

Good luck w/ the new routine!

bloggerprotectionprogram said...

I have never and probably will never wash or cleanse my face. My shower does the trick. I am a low maintenance gal. If and when I have a blemish a little bit of witch hazel on a cotton ball does the trick!