The winter Olympics are in Vancouver starting in February. I am so damn excited. Ralph Lauren is dressing our fabulous athletes, isn't it gorgeous? I swear I get so involved in the Olympics as if I am either the athlete, trainer or coach! I would love if Landon or Coco would be in the Olympics, Oh I know the hard work and sacrifice, but I'd get to go and bawl watching them!
The Olympics always make me think of what event I would love to compete in. Winter would be figure skating for sure. Summer would be pole vaulting. Oh you heard me.
Of course in reality the only events I could do well in right now are: parallel parking, shopping at Marshalls, or party planing. What are your best events?
PS Landon is doing very well!
I rock in the laundry department. I can tear through loads of laundry like nobody's business. I can also fit more children in a Honda Odyssey than a clown car, chase a 3 year old around begging her to potty, and help four with homework at the same time. I'd say I'm quite the Olympist, wouldn't you?
I would like to think that I excel at polo shirt wearing & ebay shopping. How about those talents!
Thinking of Landon! Hope you guys are having a good day!
I've got Sam's Club gold medal for sure....whipping through those aisles with the over sized cart, lifting HEAVY items into it and then lifting them again to the conveyer belt and then AGAIN to put them one by one in the car and AGAIN bringing them in the house! I've got it nailed!
Loved the other comments too.
Glad to hear Landon is better.
I love the Olympics too! I always wanted to be a gymnast (even attempted it but it's WAY harder than it looks!). In the winter I would ski (again way harder than it looks, but I am up for any events on the bunny slope).
In real life my best events have to be bill paying and budgeting, playdates and carpooling. Wonder if Ralph Lauren will dress me??
Glad to hear Landon is doing well.
I would totally be a slalom skier. But in the meantime, I'm great at laundry, carpooling and making sure all the sh*t for this family gets done. :-)
My event speed skating. In real life changing diapers and potty training. I can change a diaper in record time and I had the big girls potty trained by 18 months. Oh yea I take the gold in those events! Speed skating sounds so much cooler.
I could be a medal contender for party planning too!
I could get a spot on the podium for multitasking...feeding small child, watching the news, emailing, texting, cooking dinner and cleaning the kitchen all at once. I could toss in making a call for good measure :O)
I remember back when the summer games where in LA. and I lived out there at the time. The woen's cycling events came right past my front door. How awesome and thrilling it was to watch the women cycle past us. Can you ever get enough of the Olympics?
Glad to know that Landon is on the mend.
Landon is adorable...glad he is doing well after the surgery.
Kudos on "Expressing Motherhood"..How exciting that must have bee!
I came over from "Once Upon a Plate". I will be back to visit again!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
I LOVE the Olympics! I cannot wait for them to start!
I am with you on the figure skating!!!!
And I should be getting a gold medal in floral arranging.
FYI--- i was a pole vaulter in college :) lil unknown fact about me :) so was my hubbs! Thats how we met...
Oh the Equestrian events would be mine!!! Dressage, junping, SOOOOOOO me! In reality.....FaceBook Gold Medal I think for sure. I also excel at eating at Chipotle!!
Glad Landon is doing well!!!
Love the Olympics!!! Can't wait!
How funny to find this post. My daydream during Lila's bath this evening was of her winning the 50 meter freestyle at the Olympics. Guess all moms have similar dreams for their babys :)
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