
Engagement Stories...Love em!

I was looking at The Mr the other day and remembering how it all began. I immediately thought of my engagement. I can remember how fast things were going. We met, in two weeks he moved in, September 11th happened a few days later (bringing us even closer), and then it was Christmas.

We had flown to Virginia to my fathers house, my Grandma and Aunt were there too. to be honest I just knew the ring was coming. I knew he'd ask my Dad for permission and then on Christmas that would be my gift! Best gift ever! Right?


Christmas came and no ring. Now it was only a few months we were together, but I really felt that ring was coming! I was so confused!

On Christmas I had all these meaningful gifts for him, he gave me a silk nightgown. I have to say I was disappointed! I was sad.

We flew back to LA and I was sick, I mean throwing up and insane sick. I swear to you I made myself sick over this whole thing. I was really being ridiculous!

A few days later, at a party on New Years, I had forgotten the whole thing. The ring would come when it came. As I was busy talking an chatting away the Mr came up and brought me an hors d'oeuvres. It was goat cheese on a crostini with a pansy on top (my sorority flower!). I accepted it, but then noticed a funny look on his face.

I looked down and the ring was on top. He asked me to marry him. I said yes.

I was engaged.

Turns out I was right. The Mr was going to propose that night at my Dad's but the ring hadn't arrived! He had no choice but to run out for a last minute gift. I was so thrilled to be engaged I didn't care about the mishap! How about you? What's your engagement story? Perfect? Romantic? Or mishap turned fabulous like mine!!?


First Birthday Gifts For Baby Girls! Starting Your Girl Adventure!

First birthday's are a big deal. I feel like this is the opportunity to make a statement, to buy something special. You will buy them toys for every other birthday, let's think outside the box shall we?

We were going to attend my good friend Katies youngest child's birthday. Baby Sarah is the younger sister of Landon's best friend Maddie and baby Coco's first real girlfriend! How cute is that!?

I knew baby Sarah needed something special. Something to start her adventure as a girl. So I went to Bloomingdales and started her china pattern! I bought her a dinner plate from Villeroy and Boch.

Areaus is such a gorgeous pattern (shown above). Bone china with golden filigree, auquamarine and lotus flowers. I know this is kind of a bold gift. I mean who knows what she or her Mom really like, but I think it's the thought that counts. Her Mom can change the pattern or return if she likes. (I don't think she will though, I think she wants it for herself too! LOL.)

I think of Baby Coco and I want to do the same for her. I want her to have silver and china and all things fabulous. I was a little late to the silver and china party (not really, wedding gifts), but I want to start Coco early on respecting tradition and the finer things.

I can remember my parents enrolled me in Miss Covingtons Dance school when I was very young. I complained about it, but I loved every second. We wore white gloves, learned to treat the boys with respect for at least an hour, manners and how to do the fox trot. I still remember the fox trot and I do a mean Lindy if I do say so myself.

These kind of traditions, collecting china, silver, learning manners and proper etiquette and dancing are becoming lost arts. Not in my house!!

What about you? What are your traditions? What's your best first birthday gift for a girl?


Frumpy To Fabulous! Rita Wilson

The Mrs is having a fashion crisis. Now that I can fit into regular clothes, I have no idea what to wear! It's been five years since I have dressed in terms of fashion, not practicality. I have just been trying to hide the preggy tummy, not looking at color and style. I am now trying to figure out just what my style really is!

Enter Rita Wilson, who was on Oprah giving fashion advice. Now she is not the first person I think of when it comes to fashion, she really made a lot of sense!

She said to apply the way you feel about yourself to your style. Take three adjectives and describe yourself (artistic? Sexy? Feminine? Accessible?, warm?, fun?), then buy clothes according to those words. Hmmm am I : Sassy?, classic?, preppy? Gotta work on it.

She also said if high heels are killing you, you must try platforms. I think I have to try this tip!

Her four items she said every girl needs are:

1) Black jean legging or black legging
2) Black boot, or black shoe boot
3) a jacket
4) a scarf

She says some women who feel like because they work at home or are stay at home moms, feel style isn't important. To them she says:
"Get Cute For YOU!!"
I agree.

Some of the women just cried because they felt like the makeovers brought who they really were out.

Here are Rita's Top Ten Overall Fashion Tips:

1) If you haven't worn it in a year throw it out!
2) Trust your personal style. If you don't feel comfortable it isn't you.
3) Don't skimp on hair cut and color. It's important!
4) Wear comfortable shoes (but not ugly ones!)
5) Alterations can make an outfit!
6) When you travel, be stylish! Throw out the fanny pack!
7) If you travel a lot have a toiletrie bag ready to go.
8) Simplify your makeup: you need, foundation, black pencil, a brown shadow, black mascara, cream blush, translucent powder, natural lip liner, sparkly lip gloss and three shades of lipstick, red, neutral and pinkish.
9) Get new bed clothes/ Pj's every year. Cosabella is her favorite.
10)Be grateful!

What do you guys think? Any of these that you do or swear by? Have your own fashion tips? What are your three adjectives that describe you? DO TELL!


Fortieth Birthday Party Invitations!

So which one did I choose? I have to admit I did think on it more after seeing what you all liked best, but in the end I went with my original favorite. I just love the pink and orange. It reminds me of Lilly Pulitzer, going to college in Florida, and fabulousness.

Papercourt press has been an absolute pleasure to work with! I highly recommend her!

Now on to table decorations and such, menu, music and more! I will keep you posted!!!


Texting While Driving? Texting While Dying.

My goodness. I did not want to watch the Oprah show about texting and driving. I am going to say flat out, I text when I drive. A lot. I even thought I was really good at it. I just didn't want to hear what they were going to say about it.


Guess who won't be texting and driving ANYMORE. That's right, me. I watched the show and it blew my mind. Did you know:

Texting and driving is = to having 8 drinks and driving.

Talking on the cell is = to having 4 drinks and driving.

That was clear enough for me. Then I thought about the times I have texted or talked on the phone and realized I was on the wrong side of the road, or had a close call. That is just crazy.

It was sad to see parents who had lost their children because they were texting and driving. These kids were sweet, good students, and loved their parents. How ridiculous to lose your life because of a cell phone.

I took Oprahs pledge, you can take it too here.


How about you? Do you text or talk and drive? Did you see the Oprah show about it? If you want to tell us anonymously you can. I know I am not alone!


Reality Round UP- RHOOC

I am blown away by this latest episode. Are you guys still watching or am I the only one?!

Lynne is the worst parent ever. I love when Alexa said "I'd love to find my limit with them but so far, nothing!" and "It's been a free ride my whole life, now they want boundaries?" Hello! The girl is screaming for boundaries and you want to be her cool teenage friends! By the grace of God she will not end up pregnant. You know I'm right! Love that they have hired a "Youthologist". Note to self, start youthology biz to make money off of parents unwilling to set rules and stick to them.

Alexis is insane. She actually thought that drunk girl even cared about her ugly husband? What are they going to get into a brawl!? Funny! Her hubby was loving it. You know he was. She is Klassy with a K!

Gretchen keeps the show interesting. Tupperware party with a drag queen? I am so there. Why is she suddenly the sane one? Scary!

Vicky is down right bragging about not being in the "Hurt locker" like the rest of the girls. "No foreclosure, no short sale..." Watch out Vicky, Karma is a bitch!

Tamara, I am just waiting for her to stop trying to act like Gretchens her problem when it's really her marriage. Get a grip. What's your take on these Krazy Girls? PS was I hearing things or is someone on the Bachelor pregnant?!


Double Happiness! Fun Unique Gifts!

I am always looking for fun, unique and personalized gifts. Double Happiness has tin buckets, tubs and clip boards that are so cute! You can use the tins for storage or gifts.

My girlfriend Bryn a mom of TWO SETS of twins. You heard me two! She loves to use these for gifts or storage.

Look at this cute gift she sent for Coco! Even has her name all over it!!!

They also have many other patterns and styles although I am loving this:

She has buckets and tubs in all shapes and sizes, perfect for storing toys or for a gift! All can be personalized! LOVE IT!

You can see all Bryn's fabulous creations at: Doublehappiness4.com. Tell her One Fab Mom sent you and you'll get free ground shipping on larger items!


Resolution 2010! Wash Your Face!!!

Yes, I am that girl. The one who doesn't wash her face and sleeps with her make up on. For years this never affected me. My skin has always been "good", "normal", whatever that is!

Enter my eyebrow lady and facialist (please I go once every 6 months) Cyndi. She was OVER me. Okay she still loves me but she's over the whole not washing the face thing!!!

She told me all about Bio Elements. I started using the flash foam cleanser first. It foams up immediately feels so soft and makes washing your face quick, easy and luxurious. LOVE this product. Doesn't dry out your face at all. Pumpkin, Papaya, and Pineapple enzymes really do the trick! Fabulous!

Then she also told me about Bio Elements Crucial Moisture. It is a miracle because every cream I have used makes me break out. This doesn't! Light and airy but makes my skin soft and smooth. I'm a believer!

What's your skin routine? Or are you like me? A person who needed one!!


Chi Chi Bags! Oui Oui!!!

This week I wanted to take the time and tell you about some of my latest fabulous finds! You know when I find a good thing I just have to share!

Chi Chi Bags are too fabulous for words. I am always looking for a new bag to carry and I love how comfortable and roomy this one is!!! I love mine!

I love to buy things from people who have a great story. Maggie has one! Listen to how she started selling her Chi Chi bags!

"My first trip outside the states without parental guidance(my mother watched too much Dateline) was to Costa Rica in 1998. It was the best time of my life. Backpack only, go where you want when you want, speaking Spanish, meeting the locals, learning about a different culture. It was the beginning of my now constant adventure seeking.
I've been to almost 60 countries- traveled for a year through Africa, Néw Zealand and Australia. Lived in Nicaragua. Took a few months through Asia, road trip from LA to Nicaragua, backpacked in Europe and never want to stop!
I came across the Chichi bag in 2007 when I was traveling with my fiancé through Cuba, Guatemala and Belize.
I saw this beautiful yellow cotton bag in the mountains of Guatemala and just bought one for myself. After bringing it back with me to Santa Monica and seeing the responses from people asking where this bag came from- (women were running from across the street to ask me!) I figured it might be nice to go back to Guatemala and get more bags and see how they would sell in the states.
I've been back to Guatemala seven times now and expanded to more colors and leather a well. It's great to visit the village where they come from, support their industry and families. There are now 6 stores carrying the bags in LA/SF/NY and Dallas.

It makes me happy to tell people about the bags and the history. They truly are the best bags I've ever seen. I carry mine everyday I leave the house.
Computer, clothes, food, baby bag, yoga- and out for the entire day or night. They are great as weekend travel bags as well. It's amazing how many people comment on them. They are very original and very sturdy and the more worn in they get the better."

You can order yours by contacting her at chichibags.com, or email her at: maggieproductions@gmail.com. She's even offering free shipping to One Fab Mom readers!


Dear Baby Coco

Dear Baby Coco,

Tonight I had the final night of my show. I am so proud of myself for doing something just for me. You'll understand this when you are a mother, but sometimes it's hard to put yourself first. I find myself guilty or trying to shrink myself in order to fit everything in.

But tonight I was with all the other mothers, all of us away from our children, telling our stories, feeling like we were powerful within ourselves. Tonight we were women and mothers. Hero mothers really. Tonight we admitted that it was okay to let ourselves have this moment without you, all the while knowing one day, we would tell you all about it.

Oh Coco, being a woman, and a mother is tough stuff. Wouldn't have it any other way though.

PS you can put Hero Mother, or wheel chair, into the search area and see what I have been performing these two weeks.


Another weekend another show!

This is my last weekend performing in the show and I am loving the back stage antics. It's bringing me back to my old acting days. This has been such a rewarding experience and something I will check off on my Forty Things To Do Before You're Forty Blog! You'll see why soon!

Landon has been a trooper but is not allowed to go to school or the playground, so we went to the aquarium. The seals put on quite a show and Landon and his pink cast were thrilled.

Next week I will reveal some new FABULOUS FINDS. Things I am loving! So stay tuned!


Fortieth Birthday Party Ideas

Trolling the Internet I am disturbed by the lack of creativity for fortieth birthday party ideas. I for one think Forty is Fabulous and should be celebrated as such!

My girlfriend Alyssa threw a Seventies themed birthday party for her husband which was pretty fun. Everyone was dressed as their favorite seventies icon, the year of her hubby's birth. I was pregnant but the Mr. and I made a rockin' Captain and Tenille. I talked to Schneider from One Day At A Time most of the night, but I digress.

Last week I booked the place for my fortieth and instantly I had a theme. It's a Spanish tapas restaurant, so I am having a:

Fabulous Forty Flamenco Party!

You know it's gonna be good. Tapas, wine and dancing! Cannot wait.

Other ideas I was toying with?

Fortieth Party Ideas

Great Gatsby Fortieth
- Flapper dresses, deco decor, Dorothy Parker and bathtub gin!

White Hot Fortieth- Guests are dressed all in white, the party is modern and the disco ball would keep them moving.

Sex and the city fortieth- pink drinks, pink everything and fabulous cran-tinis, etc!

Lilly 40th- Imagine the preppyiest, palm beachyest, party ever. Oh and wearing Lilly OF COURSE.

Okay so I need your help. I am doing a little vote. You see, Papercourt Press is doing my invites. She did three fabulous samples.

A. Red Flamenco

B. Orange Flamenco

C. Dot Flamenco

Vote in the pole to the right and comment and let me know!


Olympics Here We Come

The winter Olympics are in Vancouver starting in February. I am so damn excited. Ralph Lauren is dressing our fabulous athletes, isn't it gorgeous? I swear I get so involved in the Olympics as if I am either the athlete, trainer or coach! I would love if Landon or Coco would be in the Olympics, Oh I know the hard work and sacrifice, but I'd get to go and bawl watching them!

The Olympics always make me think of what event I would love to compete in. Winter would be figure skating for sure. Summer would be pole vaulting. Oh you heard me.

Of course in reality the only events I could do well in right now are: parallel parking, shopping at Marshalls, or party planing. What are your best events?

PS Landon is doing very well!


Prayers For Landon

Landon has another arm surgery today, he will be having another skin graft and hopefully a tendon transfer. This is the marathon that is the healing of his right arm. We are trying to get him to have a grip in his right hand.

Some of you may remember sweet Landon was born with a blood clot in his right arm, it's a miracle he's alive.

We are so blessed by how far God has brought us, but we would like to go even further. please pray for his safety, calm and success of the doctors doing doing the surgery.

We are home. Thank you for your prayers. Landon is sad, doesn't like his cast, but he is resting. Poor guy! Surgery was a huge success!


Expressing Motherhood- The Greatest Show On Earth

Here's how it started. My friend Nicole had done the show Expressing Motherhood, last year when it came to Los Angeles. She then told me about it and said I should submit a piece for this year.

At first I was hesitant. Me back on stage after almost 10 years? NO. Then I thought, I will be turning forty (remember how I am looking for new adventures?), and these are real stories of motherhood told by real mothers. I LOVE that idea.

Expressing Motherhood is a stage show conceived by Lindsay Kravet and Jessica Cribbs to combat the isolation of motherhood. It let's women share their stories of motherhood in a real and heartwarming way.

I thought of my "Hero Mother" post I had written, about Landon and a boy we saw at the mall. I thought it might be a good piece to read for the show. I submitted it and thought I'd never hear another word.

Then they emailed and said I was in the show.

Terrified, I acted like it wasn't really happening. Months went by, I had my tummy tuck, and then suddenly, it was rehearsal day. I was scared showing up that first day, not knowing the other mothers, wondering if my piece was good enough...

As the rehearsal began, and each woman told their story, I laughed, and cried through the whole thing. I knew this show was something special. That I was going to be a part of something wonderful. That performing with these fabulous mom's was a privilege. We were going to give a gift to some Mom's and Dad's, a night out where you feel loved, appreciated, accepted and understood. Plus there is wine. Can't beat that!

On opening night, the Mr, my neighbors and friends all were there to support me. I was so nervous, but I did it. I am so proud of myself. I am feeling like a Hero Mother. No better feeling than that.

Lindsay Kravet and Jessica Cribbs have found a way to unite mothers all over the country. Expressing Motherhood is now coming to Des Moines and Boston! Of course there are also more shows this weekend in Los Angeles. You can get tickets on the wesbite. Come and see!


Lilly Pulitzer- I'm back.

With the PPS (permanently pregnant stomach) plaguing me for 5 years I had relegated myself to Target for clothes. Now, don't get me wrong, I have found some fabulous things at Target. I am NOT knocking the TAR-JAY, But in my heart of hearts I am a J Crew and Lilly Pulitzer girl. I had to give up on both until my tummy was fixed.

So it was with great anticipation, excitement and joy that I greeted my new bestie Anna, at the Cabana store in Santa Monica, a Lilly Pulitzer store (THE ONLY ONE IN LA!)

I was there not to buy jewelry, shoes or something for Coco. I was there to try on clothes. I was going to buy something. FOR ME.

So I did. Bought this fabulous "Joy Knit Tunic" in "Limeade, Coral Me Crazy!".

What I also wanted was this fabulous dress below as well, but alas I am on a budget (waaah waaaahhhh!). It's the Harper dress in dirty Shirley!

Karma is fabulous though, because today, at Marshalls I found a fabulous Lilly P tie for hubby! Pink King of hearts!


Resolution 2010!! Bra Intervention!!

Remember Oprahs shoe and bra interventions on her show? Well I have been wearing an old crappy bra from COLLEGE, because my boobs have gone from breastfeeding (Hustler Magazine) to back to normal after kids (no one wants to see!). I was sure I knew what my bra size was, and yet my bra was killing me!!!!

Enter the Nordstrom angel Brandy Peoples at the Grove. She is a certified fit specialist (thank you very much), and all around best gal pal. Now Brandy knew when she looked at my sad, droopy, college girl bra (who needs under wire when your boobs are that perky! BARF!), and she knew she was in trouble.

I told her I was a 38 C, maybe even a B.
She looked at me and said "You are no B".
Well! I never!! hahhaa!

So what size am I? A 36 D! Call Hustler Magazine! Mama's back! I got two gorgeous Natori bras that do not hurt, fall down or pinch. And the staps stay on my shoulders! A miracle!

To stage your bra intervention head on over to your Nordstroms and get measured. Or go over to the Grove and talk to Brandy. Tell her the Mrs. sent 'cha.
PS You are right. Elizabeth!!!


Top Baby Names for 2009!

These names are always affected by movies that are out, TV and media so I find it so fascinating!!

Kinda think Ethan is a cool name, can't believe it's number one. Never met one! Isabella on the other hand I have seen and met 1000 times on the playground! I can believe that one is number 1! Are your kids name son there? Do you like to stay off the list? I do! But, wouldn't let being on the list stop me if it's a family name or one I just loved. Is your name on there? Mine is!!!! If you don't know me...GUESS!

1 Ethan Isabella
2 Jacob Emma
3 Noah Olivia
4 Aiden Ava
5 Logan Sophia
6 Jackson Madison
7 Jack Chloe
8 Ryan Abigail
9 Jayden Addison
10 Matthew Emily
11 Liam Ella
12 Joshua Lily
13 Tyler Mia
14 Benjamin Grace
15 Gavin Alexis
16 Alexander Avery
17 William Samantha
18 Evan Elizabeth
19 Michael Hannah
20 Nathan Natalie


Best Turkey Burger Recipe EVER! From Donald Trump Maralago Hotel!

Thank you for your sweet comments yesterday, you guys make me feel so good!! We are gearing up, starting yesterday, on the healthy eating. Cause even with the flat tummy I have a few pounds to lose! This turkey burger blew my mind. It takes some prep time, but is easy and DELICIOUS!!! Hubby and I served it on Mimi and Pop's last night in town. We served it with sweet potato fries!

Mar-a-Lago Turkey Burger
Oprah's favorite turkey burger from the Donald Trump resort.
Mar-a-Lago Turkey Burger Photo
Yield: Serves 6

* 1/4 cup thinly sliced scallions
* 1/2 cup finely chopped celery
* 3 Granny Smith apples, peeled and diced
* 1/8 cup canola oil
* 4 pounds ground turkey breast (lean)
* 2 Tbsp. salt
* 2 Tbsp. black pepper
* 2 tsp. Tabasco® chipotle pepper sauce
* 1 lemon , juiced and grated zest
* 1/2 bunch parsley, finely chopped
* 1/4 cup Major Grey's Chutney, pureed


1. Sauté the scallions, celery and apples in the canola oil until tender. Let cool.
2. Place the ground turkey in a large mixing bowl. Add sautéed items and the remaining ingredients.
3. Shape into eight 8-ounce burgers. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
4. Season the turkey burgers with salt and pepper. Place on a preheated, lightly oiled grill. Grill each side for 7 minutes until meat is thoroughly cooked. Let sit for 5 minutes.
5. Serve with a side of Mar-a-Lago Pear Chutney and your favorite toasted bread, pita or hamburger roll.


Tummy Tuck Diaries- Day 27 What a difference a month makes!

My tummy is flat. Yes I am still swollen and it will come down more. Yes I have to have my stitches out, but my tummy is worlds away from where it was. I will show you bare tummy after pictures when I get my stitches out at the end of January. For now, here is the before and after with the sweater on.

I am wearing a brace to help with swelling and bruising ( I have no bruising at all!)

Helps that my hair has been blonded and styled too. You can see by the picture I am pretty damn proud of myself. And I am!!!

I am so glad I did the surgery. The pain was minimal compared to the mental pain of having been asked every day WHEN ARE YOU DUE!? I am so happy those days are over.

I cannot thank enough the people who helped and made this possible. Hubby, my Mom, step Dad, Dad, step Mom, Mom in Law, Dad in Law and most of all:


He is the handsome devil from the Doctors show. He and his partner Dr. Chopra in Beverly Hills, did such a fantastic job and are sweet as can be. So nice to be in such capable hands!!

I feel like I can finally get on with living my life. And what a sweet life it is!