
We Flock You A Merry Christmas! Flocking Your Christmas Tree!

I can't take credit for this tree. You see it was hubby, who last year, when we were planning Christmas at our house, dreamed this up. Both of us had grandmothers who would often do a tree with cardinals and red bows (my Grandmommie used red gingham, adorable!). He wanted to kick it up a notch with a flocked tree.

Prior to this, I felt towards flocked trees, what I feel towards T shirts that say: "I went to (insert place) and all I got was this lousy T-shirt". Like they were tacky and just CRAP. Well, I have had my eyes opened to the gorgeous snowy look of a flocked tree. We get no snow here in California so this is fun for me! I think it looks fabulous!

How about you? Do you flock?


cjcinla said...

I'm not a flocker but love the tree and it also reminds me of my Grandmother who always had a gorgeous and muy classy!

Seersucker Scrapper said...

Very pretty! I have never heard of flocking a tree. I have only heard the term used in scrapbooking.

Looks great! Love the red on white!

nanny said...

No flocking here, but your tree is georgeous!!!!!

Clare said...

i love the tree! i think it looks great, merry christmas;)

Debra said...

Have I told you that I LOVE that tree?? I don't flock but I am tempted now. :) It brings back memories of a nicer, slower time.

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!

Poolside with the Girls said...

I don't but your's looks great. Merry Christmas!

Petunia said...

I used to flock! It is so easy to create a stunning tree with the white background!! Love it.
I haven't done it in several years because I got rid of my "flocker". ;)

Eloise said...

I love flocked trees and cardinals are my favorite birds, so you can imagine that I really LOVE your Christmas tree!

Merry, merry Christmas to you, Mrs.

Libbie said...

Gorgeous! Wow! I wish I could see it in person! & I do love the red decorations on it...the perfect touch!

Anonymous said...

Love it! I soo want a pink flocked tree, but so far all I've found are cheesy Who-Villish numbers.