
Tummy Tuck Diaries- Day 3 Homeward Bound

Yes, I am leaving my fancy hotel digs today. I am leaving my adjustable bed with remote, flat screen TV with remote (That no one is asking me to put Barney on), my view of the Hollywood Hills, my monogrammed feather down comforter and 1000 thread count sheets.

Yes, I am leaving today and I couldn't be happier. I MISS HUBBY and THE CHILDREN! I miss Landon asking me" Mama? What doing?". I miss Coco smiling at me and hugging me, I miss hubby and my witty reparte...I am looking forward to being in my own bed. In my bed there is a blonde labbish (rescue so who knows) dog who sleeps at my feet, and cats who love to snuggle.

Since I am already out the door I will tell you I have been staying at the SLS hotel. They have a hospital floor called "The pearl", where you can recover in private and in style. It's so fabulous.

Off to nap, Darvaset kicking in...zzzzz...zzzzz...more later.


Muffy said...

Oh, I looooooooove the SLS! I thought that might be it! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!!

Suburban Princess said...

Awww I am so happy for you!
Just think, you will be starting the new year with a smokin bod and on top of the world!

Headbands and Hand Bags said...

So so happy for you! Best of luck to you with your transition home!

Susan R said...

I'm so glad the surgery went well. How do you feel about the results? I'm considering the same surgery, so it's nice to have firsthand information about it. What is the SLS? Sounds nice.

Alison said...

You are in our thoughts!! Take care of yourself!

Jill said...

Glad all went well and you are on your way HOME! Hugs!

LPC said...

Let's all sing, Homeward Bound! Congrats.

Mrs. R said...

I am glad you are going home!!I am also glad the surgery was a success! Cheers to the new you! :)I know you are relieved and you get to see your babies and hubby!!!

"Cookie" said...

YOu sound so happy!! Glad everything is looking good and you enjoyed your "vacation" :) I'm sure you can't wait to see the babies again!

Solar Powered said...

I'm so curious and confused about this hotel/hospital stuff. Do they have a nurse check in on you? Does the doctor come and see you there?

Sandra said...

So glad you are on your way home to those kids who have really been missing you I bet! And Mr. Fabulous - well of course. Take care! xoxo

Beth Dunn said...

Welcome home love-there is no place like home. So happy you were in swanky local to recover. I'm so happy you are ok. Thinking of you! xoxo


Tres Poshe Preppy said...

This is SO belated -sorry.

Cheers to you! I'm so glad it went well and you are recuperating nicely. The SLS, nice. So excited for you. A girlfriend of mine had the procedure and let my tell you, she looks fab and has the flattest tummy out of anyone I know.

Here's to you and a super speedy recovery. A new you in 2010!

Take care! :-)

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

This is positively WONDERFUL news. Loved the "Mr" update on the day of surgery and am so happy that you were able to recover for a couple of days in the lap of luxury. I know where I'm coming when it's time for the old facelift!

Bridget said...

The Pearl sounds fab! Welcome home :) xo

Courtney said...

What a fabulous hotel room. I hope your transition to home goes well.

Eloise said...

Happy Homecoming! Hope your recovery continues to go well.

Barefoot in the Park said...

so glad everything went well and that you are feeling up to being mommy again!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

You are so brave to share your story! I am so glad that the surgery was successful and you are healing well!