I am realizing this tummy tuck business is a huge mental challenge. They ask you on the questionnaire before you go in, if you are of sound mind. Now that I have been in this all too tight girdle, with two drainage tubes coming out either side of my waist (TMI), laying around unable to even sit up, for one whole week, I have come to one conclusion.
Oh yes. I am going KOOKOO. I have watched a millions movies, done two hundred Christmas cards, and blogged away. I am being productive, but I am a bad patient. The Mrs is not one to let ANYONE do ANYTHING for her. In fact it is I, who like doing for others and being a helper. Now I have people waiting on me (sometimes begrudgingly!), cooking for me, and popping me up.
I have not left this house but once in a week. I smell. My hair is yucky and I am hating sweatpants. If I never see another pair of sweatpants I will be happy. After this is over I am dressing like I am on the set of the Sex and The City Movie part two (CANNOT WAIT).
I am mean to hubby because he couldn't possibly do everything as well as I can (hahha), my back hurts from hunching and I want to hold Coco! I miss her! I feel like every day is ground hog day. My light at the end of the tunnel is my doctors appointment tomorrow. I think he will take one or both drains out but I hear it's gonna hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to keep the faith. I can't go insane! I'm One Fabulous Mom DAMNIT!!!!
You're almost there...
Oh, I feel your pain. I hope you can get up and about soon and when you do you will look fabulous. I had a bilateral mastectomy and had drains with that and it didn't really hurt when they took them out - they basically just pulled on them and they came out. Hope it is the same for you. Will keep you in my prayers.
Aw...I cant even imagine what it must be like for you. I stayed home sick all last week & I was driving myself mad by stayin home all day but at least I could move around. Good luck at your doctors appointment, I hope he doesnt hurt you too much.
Dear Fabulous Mom,
You will be fine, because you are fabulous!!! And not only that, you are strong. Taking out the drain tubes does not hurt that much, at least comparing to the boredom of wearing sweats. You will be fine, and taking care of yourself the very first week is extremely important. Just think of the results and take it easy. Think of the fabulous dress you will wear for the Holidays and again... take it easy. Your chores are not going anywhere so what's another day of kicking back... Just watch some General Hospital ;) or another movie. Let me know if you want Pearl to take you to the Dr. tmrw. And of course, Feel better and Heal faster !!!!
Truly Yours,
Bella and Pearl Girls
I hope you're feeling better soon. I can imagine it's hard to be home bound this time of year. Hang in there.
I hope you're feeling better soon. I can imagine it's hard to be home bound this time of year. Hang in there.
Come on STAY POSITIVE - you are going to be my inspiration!
and because you are One Fabulous Mom YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!!
I think you should go and browse killer high heels as motivation for being able to stand up again:).
Deep breath...DEEP breath. The worst is over. You are not, I repeat, NOT going insane. You are STRONG and soon you are going SHOPPING for fabulous new clothes and shoes for your fabulous new body. Ambien is your friend...embrace your friend. Now, don't you feel all better??
Just keep thinking of the end product. I hope you appointment goes well and it is not too painful.
You poor thing. The good news is, you'll be back to your old self soon. (And looking HOT!!)
Hang in there!!!
Nah . . . getting the drains out isn't that bad (I had one following a mastectomy). My doctor asked "So what are reading?" and before I could answer RIP! It doesn't hurt too much and it's quick, with no pain afterward. After the pain you've been through, it should be nothing.
Glad to hear you are on the mend!
When you are buying those skinny jeans and looking so fabulous because you are One Fabulous Mom, you will forget about your touch with insanity ;-) xoxo
You are ONE FABULOUS MOM and don't you forget it! Hurry and feel better soon.
P.S. Can't wait to see the fabulous photos of you dressing like you are on the set of Sex and The City.
hang in there...eye on the prize
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