Hi everyone!!
I am happy to report, that the Tummy Tuck was a huge success! I am writing to you from a super secret fancy hotel location where I am being waited on hand and foot! The surgery itself was a pretty extensive. They marked me with a sharpy as if there was going to be a big shark bite out of my stomach.
I was so nervous and scared going in. Cried in the car after saying goodbye to Landon. Thank God my preacher met me at the plastic surgery office! We said a prayer before I went in.
Just before I went into surgery I had a little talk with Jesus, just him and me. I told him not to leave me. Guess what? He didn't. On to the surgery:
When they went in, they found my muscles had torn both vertically and horizontally. The only thing holding my intestines in, was a paper thin wall of muscle. Wow.
When I woke up apparently I said two things:
"Did they do it?"
"I feel like Rip Van Winkle!"
Yep. Even under sedation I still got the funny.
The pain is very similar to a C section so I really feel okay. Just taking the drugs and hunched over like a 99 year old grandma.
Of course I am wearing my BYOG gown!!!
The Sunday before surgery I was like a whirling dervish of Christmas. Tree up, decorated, mantle adorned and gifts wrapped. Looks good though!
Thank you for your prayers, tomorrow I go home and I am sure to have culture shock. It's so quiet and dreamy here in my room in Beverly Hills!
So thrilled for you!!
I do hope you feel better soon! Almost 2 years ago I had a mymomectomy for a fibroid ---that totally sucked! Like having a c-section but no baby! :(
I am sure your tummy tuck was a success and hope the healing process is smooth sailing!!
What a happy relief! Enjoy your coddling and medication ;-) !
So glad everything went well and you are feeling Ok!
i'm glad to hear you are doing well and the surgery was a success!! enjoy your cushy digs.
So glad everything went well and you are suffering too bad! Keep mending and take it easy at home.
KEEP DREAMING! It will be over soon enough!
Yay! I hope you have a fast recovery!
so glad you are feeling good.....jeez, shouldn't the doc had know that you situation was in need of a fixing ? sounds dangerous to have NOT gotten the tummy tuck
so glad you are feeling good.....jeez, shouldn't the doc had know that you situation was in need of a fixing ? sounds dangerous to have NOT gotten the tummy tuck
So so happy for you! And how relieved you are that it's over!! ;-) Take care of yourself! xoxo
So glad you are doing well. It sounds like its a good thing you did this sooner than later. Sending hugs!!
So glad to hear from you and know that the surgery went well!! Take it easy!
I'm so happy that you're well & that you're being pampered :)
Hooray, hooray! I've been thinking about you and am so glad to hear everything went so well. Can't wait to see the *after* pics!!
Hooray, hooray! I've been thinking about you and am so glad to hear everything went so well. Can't wait to see the *after* pics!!
Glad this went well for you. Best wishes for a zippy recovery!
So glad to hear from you and from a swanky hotel to boot! Reading the part about the BYOG brought back so many wonderful memories! Grace will be 5 months tomorrow. I am keeping you in my prayers. Good luck with returning to reality !!! :)
Great news! Glad you hear you were in good hands and are recovering well.
Sorry, I've been a bad blogger friend! Wow! You did it, that's great!! Was it with Dr. Orden? Glad to hear it went smoothly, and can't wait to see pics!
So happy your surgery was a success and things went well. Hoping you have a speedy recovery.
So glad to hear all went well. Take care of yourself.
How absolutely fabulous for you! I always think about that and never have done it...yet!
(Love, love, love your blog!)
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