
Tagged! What Makes Me Happy!

I was tagged to tell the ten things that make me happy!

1. Sex and The City- I was a fan of the show but the movie made my heart sing. I didn't realize how much I missed those girls! The other night I was at the movies and saw a preview for Sex and The City 2 and I started clapping and screaming. I cannot wait!

2. New Flat tummy- I strolled into the Lilly Pulitzer store "Cabana" on Montana and tried things on. I was so happy I could finally fit in Lilly! Goodbye pregnant tummy, hello new clothes and back to the gym!

3. Decorating- whether it's my table for Christmas dinner, my kitchen remodel, or wrapping a gift, I love to decorate. It's so fun to put things together in new combinations and reflect your own personal style!

4. Seeing Landon and Coco loving each other. I know I can't take credit for all of it, but when I see them playing together or Landon trying to make Coco laugh and her adoring him it just melts my heart.

5. Costume jewelry- I'm sure if I was Ivanka Trump I would have a love for diamonds, but I really love costume jewelry. Big bold statement pieces, colorful exciting cocktail rings, cuff bracelets...just make me happy! Wait till I tell you where I just found some incredible jewelry. You won't believe it!

6. Christmas Cards- I love to get them and I love to send them. I am looking at fifty on my mantle right now!

7. Shoes- No matter what size you are, shoes always look great. I was at the London Sole sale yesterday and picked up two ballet flats to die for. Will post later!

8. Lilly Pulitzer- something about her happy prints make me think of all the things I love. Tropical vacations, mojitos, fabulous dinners out, jewelry, fun! I love everything they make!

9. Glee- If you haven't watched it you need to! It is hilarious and the musical talent on there is so fun to see. They keep you reeled in with the high school drama, and then entertain you with singing mash ups!

10. Travel- I love our trips to Tahoe, and Virginia. Hoping to get to London, Paris, Tahoe and maybe Hawaii next year!!

Now ten bloggers that make me happy, tagging you to tell what and who makes you happy!

Mom Times Two- I feel like were friends and we've never met!

Privilege- Her posts are thought provoking and witty. Just adore her! Plus her kids are older so I get to see what it will be like in my future!

Linnys Vault- we share a love of Dr. Pepper and many other things! I feel like she's the younger version of me! LOVE her!

My Blonde Reality- My new best friend. Where has she been all my life! We became twitter friends first!

Weasels Journey- Love her style, her family and her! Can't we be neighbors or something!?

Love, Marriage, and someday a Baby Carriage- She's my favorite newlywed along with Muffy Martini! She is so fun and excited about the future!

Muffy Martini- She loves all things preppy and is cute as a button. Met her myself!

Biscuits Are Never Boring- She's one of my first blog friends and still is today. Beautiful family and a fabulous Mother.

Tres Poshe Preppy- Still one of my favorites since the beginning of my blogging. She is tres fabulous.

Chronicles of a Happy Housewife
- She's private now, and I was lucky enough to come along. I wish we lived next door to each other. We are blog friends and now real friends.


Melissa said...

Thank you for the tag! :D

LPC said...

Thank you for the tag! I will be sure to respond this week.

Muffy said...

We share so many favorites!!!! Thank you for the tag. Darling, your Mom Times 2 link doesn't work. Please fix it! I wasn't aware she started blogging again! And now it is Mom Times THREE, right?!? I miss her terribly!

I will consider the root of my own happiness (surely Lilly will make an appearance on my own list too), and post it right away!

Lastly, let's rendezvous again! I want to marvel at that flat tummy of yours!!!!!


The 5 Bickies said...

Thanks for the tag! I responded with a little help from my assistant! It will post tonight.

I love all of your happy choices and will have to give GLEE a try!

melissa said...

Just catching up here on your blog. A big congrats on your new, flat tummy! You must be over the moon and you look fabulous!!!
Love your happiness list - we share many same favorites. Of course, Lilly being one!

Wishing you and your beautiful family a very blessed new year filled with much joy!

Unknown said...

I love so many of the things that make you happy, too! I was so excited to see the Sex and the City 2 poster up at the movie theater yesterday. Naturally, I was at the movies to see Alvin and the Chipmunks, the Squeakquel, but I will make sure Sex and the City 2 is the one movie I see in the theater.

Cas said...

The list is great! Dying to know about the costume jewelry score.

Congrats on the Lily success. Can't wait to see more fab flat tummy photos.
xo Cas

bloggerprotectionprogram said...

I'm glad you had a fabulous flat tummy and Coco's first Christmas! You turned me onto Glee and I love that show. Just returned from get away to NYC without the kiddos to celebrate my 40th. Friends had a fabulous pink and green party for me and next stop Palm Beach. Girlfriends get away next Friday!! It's 22 degrees here so sunshine here I come.

Anonymous said...

Thank you sweet thing! How fun, I loved reading your 10 things.

Maureen said...

Thanks for the tag, friend! This was fun - loved your list. Just started watching Glee right before the season break - need to catch the earlier ones. :)

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

WOW!!!! You look AMAZING!!!! I am SO, SO happy for you!!

I will get right on this latest "tag," dear friend, and I'll keep my fingers crossed that one day we DO end up next-door neighbors!!