
Prayers! It's TT day!

The day is here. I am nervous. I am scared. But I am going.

Here's the words my preacher passed on to me:

"You are perfectly safe. There is no place you can go, no activity you can undertake, that is out of the reach of God. If you can imagine a loving God who is always working for our good- then God will be working for that good outcome before, during and after your surgery.

Jesus is in the room ahead of you. Jesus is in the room with you. Jesus is in the room after you're gone.

Amen to that.

Pray for smooth surgery, little pain, and me being as comfortable as possible. Love you guys. I'll be taking you with me, every step of the way.


Sherrie said...

Praying for a safe surgery and recovery!

Melissa said...

You're in my prayers! Best of luck! I know everything is going to turn out great!

Poolside with the Girls said...

Best wishes. Hope this turns out perfectly for you...and will minimal discomfort. Keep us posted.

Seersucker Scrapper said...

Good luck! Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you!!! Good luck!

Kate said...

I'll be thinking of & praying for you today! xoxo

The Swanky Socialite said...

Prayers to you and here's to a speedy recovery! Best of luck!!!

Alison said...

You are in my prayers!!

AMY said...

WOW! How comforting are those reminders from your preacher. We will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

You'll be in my prayers today!

Susan R said...

Just came across your blog. You are going to be just fine and be so happy afterwards that you won't even notice if you have any pain. I need to keep up with you because I'm sooooo in the same boat. After five kiddos my tummy is never going to be the same without some sergical intervention. Let me know how it goes....I'm seriously considering it too. Best Wishes

The 5 Bickies said...

I love your preacher's words!
I Thought of you and TT-day when I got up this morning. Praying in PA and will be anxious for an update.

You're almost there!

"Cookie" said...

Praying for a safe surgery and speedy recovery!!!!

Preppy Mama said...

Prayers, hugs and kisses!!

BroncoMom said...

Your preacher said it best - Jesus is with you every step of the way Mom.
Prayers for your total success.

justme said...

here is too a speedy will be worth it in the end.

Beachy Chic said...

So exciting - what a big day! Good Luck and I wil pray for a quick recovery!

KK said...

Sending prayers your way!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sissy,

Im so proud of you! Just hang in the there! And just you know...

Every piece of advice you have ever given me has been totally right on...

All the most important truths have come from you...

No one has ever ever made laugh as hard as you...

You make me want to be best self...and show me how...

I could not imagine anyone luckier than me... to have you in my life, a loving sister, loyal friend, hysterical partner in crime, and sometimes what seems to be a clairvoyant :p for all of these ways and a hundred more, you enrich my life...I will thank you forever...for being you!