
Tummy Tuck Countdown- The REAL before pics!

I am going to show you what my tummy looks like bare for two reasons:

1) I want to help anyone going through this to know they are not alone and I know the pain. I blamed myself. It was not my fault. My body never came back. There was nothing I could do. Hang in there, get it fixed.
2) When I tell people I am having this, my skinny sweet Mom friends say they need it too! Hello? No you don't! If I could wedge this thing in a spanx and get a flat tummy I wouldn't care! This is beyond abnormal and I look crazy freaky. I know my Mom did not want me to show bare belly but I am not ashamed. I am being real.

Taking these pics I cannot believe I even considered not doing this!!! Monday can't come soon enough. I am ready to move on with my life and embrace the freedom of not having to wear black all the time. Of not wearing a yummie tummie tank top every day. Of putting on clothes because I like them, not because they are helping me hide my stomach. I will chronicle the journey and take you with me if you're brave enough to come.


Travelbugmom said...

THANK YOU, THANK YOU for doing this! Those pictures could be me and I just know that you will have awesome success! I REALLY need to do this too, you are so brave. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the tummy tuck. You are beautiful nonetheless. I will pray that everything goes well and I'll be checking back to make sure you are doing well.

Mrs Lynch

Seersucker Scrapper said...

Thanks so much for sharing your story. Good luck on Monday. I'll be thinking about you.

"Cookie" said...

Good for you!! Hope all goes well Monday. And wait to see the after shots of the new and improved tummy!!! :)

Mama Luke said...

You are so brave! I will be praying for you on Monday and hope all goes well.

Anonymous said...

Not having children, I had no idea that this sort of thing even existed. You are very brave for sharing!

Best wishes on your surgery :-)

The 5 Bickies said...

That's amazing...I am so excited for you and will be thrilled to follow along with your chronicle.

Can you recap why you have the permanent pregnant belly again or link to the post that did explain? I tried to find the post and can't.

You Go Girl!

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

I can't wait to see your new tummy! I am really proud of you for sharing your pictures. I will be praying for you and the doctors. Oh and how did you manage no stretch marks? My doctor told me my stretch marks will be gone after the tt. Oh I can't wait!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

Oh i'm sooo sorry! I'm very happy for you that you're getting help. good luck Monday and thanks so much for sharing!!!

We're expecting to see bathing suit pics after. hehe

mFw said...

I'll be praying on Monday! You are such a brave person and will look fabulous when its all finished!

JTC said...

You are so brave to share this - thank you for doing so and keeping it real. I will send an extra prayer your way on Monday.

Jessi said...

Good Luck on Monday. I'll be praying for you.

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

I am so excited for you! You will be in my thoughts on Monday!

Headbands and Hand Bags said...

Cannot wait for you! Hope all goes well on Monday!!

cancersucks said...

I'll be thinking of you and praying for you on Monday. I am happy for you that you will soon be feeling like the beautiful mom & wife you are! Good riddance yummie tummy!

Anonymous said...

I don't even know you but I am proud of you! Good job taking controe. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Best wishes for a smooth and easy recovery! How exciting!!!

Jill said...

Good luck and I am so thrilled for you (though I know surgery isn't fun).

BroncoMom said...

You are a brave soul Mom. I think you have just sparked countless women to take the step that they may be afraid to take. It only takes one to start the journey. Count on me to support your journey!

CashmereLibrarian said...

I appreciate your honesty, and am happy you have this opportunity. Good luck to you and can't wait to see the wonderful results!

Elisabeth said...

I don't know if I could post pics of myself like you did-- good for you!

I always said I'd never get my body altered....until I had kids. Now I wouldn't mind a little tuck myself!

KK said...

I am so proud of you for sharing this. You are a beautiful lady inside and out and I will be praying for you and supporting you through this journey.

Anonymous said...

The heart of a lion!

-The Mr.

Kiki said...

If I didn't know how amazing you were before (I did, duh!) I think you are unbelieveable now! You are lovely, this surgery will only make your outside match what we ALL see in you! Let your light shine...I can't wait to see you in pictures wearing every color in the rainbow!!

I'll be praying for your speedy recovery and for wisdom for the to you!!!!

Melissa said...

You are a brave woman! One of the reasons I love your blog is because you're honest and keep it real! Best of luck on Monday!

The Chic Chauffeur said...

oh Hon! You get that tummy tuck and do not explain yourself to anyone!!!! Be thinking of you Monday. Hang in there!!

Sherrie said...

Best of luck. I can't wait to see the after pictures when you are ready to share!

WSU Laura said...

Thanks for keeping it real!Good luck with everything on Monday. You will be in my thoughts.

justme said...

well i must say the photos put it into perspective. i have what i call a mummy tummy BUT i can stuff it into spanx so i need to shut my mouth.

my friend had a tummy tuck due to diastis and a hirnia and it went fine. bit of recovery so take it slow and good luck.

Sandra said...

Mrs. Fabulous - You Rock!!! With you every single step of the way. I wish I was there to help you! Hugs. xoxo

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Don't you just want to SMACK those thing people who moan and groan about being "so fat" ????

Good for you for being an advocate for yourself and sharing the journey with others who might not be as brave. Tell you husband that we'll be expecting an update on Monday. Think of all the fun you're going to have buying new clothes this spring!!!

Shell said...

Smooches! I'll be thinking of you on Monday!

Pinot after Playdates said...

I'm sure it will be painful at first, but I am so happy for your chance to finally really enjoy your life! You deserve it! Thanks for always being so real- I SO respect you for that, I swear its fleeting these days! Good luck, keep us posted :)

Claire said...

I'll be praying for you and the doctors and your recovery!!!! I am so proud of you for doing this!!!

Cas said...

Thinking of you and can't wait to see your are going to look fantastic! xo, Cas

Bamawhitney said...

I am so happy for you! And I love seeing pics like these!

Lin said...

You're so awesome! I already love your blog but now I cant wait to read about your journey to the 'new' you.

I'll be sending good vibes your way for a speedy recovery :)

Stephanie said...

Fantastic! So brave! Good luck and can't wait to see the after pics! :)

Marla said...

You are so brave for "baring" all! You will look back and be so grateful for this record! I wish you all the best, and a speedy recovery!

Jen said...

Very happy for you!!!!My tummy can get crazy big when I am bloated (like abnormal), but that's only a few days a month and I can stuff it in a spanx.

Can't wait to see the after pictures!

Always Organizing said...

Good for you Mrs! You are so brave to post pics and talk about this honestly. Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery!

lizziefitz said...

I didn't think you could be more fabulous , I was wrong! You are so amazing and strong. I will be praying for a speedy recovery.xoxo

Debra said...

Good luck tomorrow! :)

Preppy Mama said...

I love your honesty. Sending you hugs. Wishing you well and lots of luck tomorrow. I will be thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery!!

nanny said...

Well it is Sunday evening now, and I don't think you will get this comment before your surgery BUT I will be thinking of you! Good Luck and keep us infomed on your condition!!

mommy2davin said...

Just wanted to say good luck with everything! You are very brave for baring it all and this may help someone else make that hard decision some day.
I hope it's a quick recovery!

Countdown till Naptime said...

I have only seen your blog a couple times but I will now be a follower. Good for you. I have twin boys who are turning 2...people don't understand when I say I have an abnormal belly and hate dressing around it. Spanx doesn't cut it. Mine doesn't stick out as far as yours but I have lots of extra skin...the official term for mine is "twin skin". No stretchmarks though. Can't wait to see the results and to know how much it really hurts. I'm scared of the pain to really think about having the surgery yet.