
The Bright Side- Bonding While Bead Ridden!a

One sweet and unexpected thing to come out of this whole Tummy Tuck thing, is Landon and I are bonding. He will come and visit me in my bed and we will watch Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Making The Team. Oh yes, I have him hooked.

The other night we were in hysterics, the two of us, as I pretended to smell his foot and then pass out. Oh yes, I know three year old humor. He literally threw his head back, laughing so hard, he almost fell over. I am loving his sense of humor. Well, I should. It's the same as mine!

I have been getting around a bit, even made it to my beloved Marshalls over the weekend. I must not be losing my touch because I happened to spot two Lilly Pulitzer items at 20 paces. One, was such a find, but alas I cannot post about it until I give it to the person! They may be reading this! Trust me when I say it is a pink and green find of the year!!

Heading to the doctor today with neighbor Sheila, hopefully I will be getting the second drain out. Over the weekend I attended our other neighbors Latke party with Sheila and we had a ball. Actually the real fun happened while I was at home getting ready. It was there, in my closet, that I dug out some outfits I have previously shunned due to the PPS (Permanently Pregnant Tummy). Low and behold, I tried some things on and they looked (as JJ used to say) DY-NO-MITE! I was fabulous! Hope everyone is feeling good and ready for your families to descend upon you!!

Don't miss tomorrow's post on keeping the peace with your parents over the holidays!


Seersucker Scrapper said...

So glad your recuperation is going well. Don't you just love that 3 year old giggle!

PaperCourt said...

Glad you are feeling FAB-U-LOUS!

BTW, I got an email from you yesterday with only a link. I never clicked it b/c I wasn't sure it was really from you. Is it legit?

Bridget said...

I love JJ and One Fab Mom :) DY-NO-MITE!!

Sherrie said...

Glad your clothes are fitting better. If you love Landon's sense of humor at three, just wait until four. I think four is one of the most fun ages that kids can be. Glad you two have some mommy son bonding time.

Debra said...

DY-NO-MITE! Sounds great! Glad you're feeling good. :)

BroncoMom said...

I am SO happy for your success Mom/ Soon and very soon Mrs.....

Sandra said...

I know you wanted to dance a little jig when you rediscovered your wardrobe!! That is so great Mrs. Fabulous. So glad you have your little Landon to keep you company. What a little doll baby!! xoxo

Maureen said...

Love preschooler humor - love it. When removing our kids' shirts, we keep them on their head like a nun's habit... then we call them "Sister Mary (their names)". They giggle and giggle. It'll be even greater when Landon makes Coco laugh. That'll be the best.

Glad you are up and about - and wearing dyn-o-mite clothes!

Mags said...

I still do the smelly feet gag routine with my 6yo twins and my 4yo monkey girl. Recently, though, I went to kiss and tickle monkey girl's feet...she sat up and told me to "smell her armpits." LOL How does a 4yo know to say that???

Solar Powered said...

Congrats on the successes! I got a big smile picturing that 3 year old gut laugh. Can't beat it.