
Vicky Christina Barcelona Movie Review!

Whoooohooo! This is one hot movie. Javier Bardem is HOT!!!!!!!

The movie follows two American women who are in Barcelona for the summer. They meet an artist who wants them BOTH, but has a crazy ex wife (Penelope Cruz). It's a Woody Allen movie so there is tons of talking, but it's funny to see the reaction these American girls have to the very European artist they meet. One of them wants to just explore, and be with him. The other refuses flatly. The ex can't decide if she wants him or not! It's funny, engaging and a vacation. You get to go to Barcelona for free!

All in all a funny, fun and sexy movie. I give it four out of five Cosmos!!
xo The Mrs.


Sandra said...

The few clips I have seen from this movie have been hilarious. And yes, he is sooooo good-looking! xoxo

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I just rented this to watch over the weekend!

Lin said...

He's a total hottie. If I watch this movie it'll only be because he's in it. Swoon...

Pink in a sea of blue said...

I loved this movie! Penelope Cruz was great. Very beautiful scenery, too.

Cindy said...

He was so amazingly hot I could not believe it was the same actor with a bowl haircut in No Country for Old Men. And Penelope Cruz was hilarious.

Danielle Moss said...

I loved it. But I tend to love anything as long as Woody Allen is involved :)

Solar Powered said...

I'm with you, good movie.

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

I was surprised how much I enjoyed this movie. Absolutely magical in its own way - and it did nothing to help assuage my desire to run off & live in Spain for a while.

Eloise said...

I liked that movie too. I thought Penelope Cruz was terrific, and I liked how Javier Bardem still loved her in spite of her lunacy. And she was loony!

Life, Love And Lola said...

I loved this movie!

Domestic Diva said...

I loved this movie. I adore a lot of Woody's movies. Him ...not my favorite...but I adore how he captures NY. I still can't get over how he married his step- daughter. xxxx me