

We are back from Virginia. It was gorgeous, but taking a potty training three year old to a place with an outhouse and no running water is TOUGH! We made it though. A five hour flight and three hour drive!! OH MY.


Landon turned three and had three parties. Do I get 40 parties when I turn 40?

Coco laughed for the first time. I was singing "if you're happy and you know it. Apparently she was!

We are still potty training. Pee is perfect. Poo is not. It's not fun but I am trying not to give him a complex. Hand over the advice if you have it!

Will Ferrel passed on my movie. Now we're on to Josh Brolin. Prayers please!

Don't miss my exciting series next week:

What I should know by now.

Since I will be turning 40 next year (gulp) I feel like like there are a few things I should know by now, and don't! Come with me on a little informational journey.

xo The Mrs.

PS Congrats to Mommy to Davin on the clipboard.

PPS Another giveaway tomorrow!!!!! I'm feeling generous!


Suburban prep said...

I passed 40 a few yrs ago and trust me there is still adventure out there for you.
You have the best adventure going though with Landon and Coco and your husband.
Hoping for a good outcome with the movie.

Lin said...

3 birthday parties, what a lucky lil guy :)

Sucks that Will Ferrel passes but Josh Brolin is pretty awesome. I loved him in 'W'!

BTW, I can't beleive you're going to be 40. I swear you dont look any older than 32.

icing on the cake said...

Happy belated birthday Landon! And I'm glad to hear the trip went well!

Preppy Mama said...

We finally mastered the potty training. The pee we had under control months ago. Poo was the worst. I gave him his space and did it in stages. I made him wear underwear all the time so he had to tell me he had to poop. I would give him a pull up and made him go in the bathroom to do it so he would be used to the bathroom. Then one day I said, "we are all out of pull ups and the store doesn't have any". He freaked a little and didn't poop for almost two days, but he had no choice and got over it. I really wouldn't have pushed him if I didn't think he was ready.
Good Luck!

Mrs. R said...

Awww...Happy Bday Landon!

Surf Girl said...

Lucky little Landon with all those parties!! Glad you had fun!
We had trouble with the poop too - I got him a little stool for his feet and for some reason that helped. Good Luck! (and good luck with the movie too - I've got my fingers crossed!)

LPC said...

A lot of kids have poop issues. I have one friend who's boy wouldn't poop on the toilet and he was something like 5! She finally cut a hole in the diaper and had him sit on the toilet to poop. Poop fell through the hole. Once he saw that the world didn't end, he was OK. Lord. What we do for these children:).

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos! Happy Happy Birthday to Landon!!!

Have a great week!

Bridget said...

Boo Will, Go Josh! Happy Bday cute little Landon xo

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I've loved Brolin since Young Riders. Happy thoughts headed your way!

Courtney said...

Will is missing out!! Sounds like an interesting trip. I love the last photo of Coco!

cancersucks said...

Keeping fingers crossed for Brolin and I will boycott Ferrell from now on! Here's the scoop on poop...it is all about control. Let him ask for a pull up to poop so he doesn't make himself constipated...trust me, I have been there. Not pretty. Then you give a little speech, "Landon, I know you are a big boy and can poop in the potty, but Mommy isn't going to talk anymore about this. I know you can do it and when you are ready you will. I am here if you need me, but it is all up to you" The end. And I swear by my friends at babycenter.com this works. Good luck!

ilovepink said...

Happy b day Landon! When I finally had the "I don't care if you ever potty in the toilet attitude", my strong willed princess decided she was ready! She won that one!

Domestic Diva said...

SO happy for him... three parties are fabulous!! Love the pictures...
What was Will thinking?? Prayers for Josh Brolin!!
xxx me

News Readin' Wife said...

40 next year?! Shut the front door! Damn your ageless genetics. ;)
I think 40 parties should be the plan of action.

Coco is so cute, btw.
Glad you survived the rigors of traveling with minis...

Life, Love And Lola said...

Welcome back!!! Three parties!!! Coco is precious!

Kate said...

LOVE that second photo of you all :)

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I have to say that my 40's have been FABULOUS! I will be 44 (gasp!) in November and can honestly say I love my 40's!

Hooray for birthdays and first smiles!