
Hey Mrs! What's that on the right side of your blog?

Funny you should ask....on the right side of my blog is my store! Well, it's my amazon store. I had so many people asking where I got the things I was recommending I decided to make my own store with amazon! Just click and buy your Itzbeen Timer, Mustela No Rinse soap, Yummie Tummie Tank etc, and buy! Just thought I'd make it easier for you!

Fun right? You can also see what's on my wish list!

Next week it's 80's nostalgia week! Join me for shoulder pads and side ponytails. It's gonna be funny!

xoxo The Mrs.


Headbands and Hand Bags said...

What a good idea! Amazon is the greatest!

Lin said...

Very smart idea! I love buying stuff from Amazon.

Muffy said...

OOOOH, that IS fabulous!!!

Sandra said...

Hello! If you wear Yummy Tummy Tank under a dress, does it creep up and make a giant roll around your waist???


Courtney said...

Thanks for posting this. I love Amazon.

Debbie said...

That is a great idea! I'll check it out.

lizziefitz said...

Super idea ,Thank You!