Don't get me started on Footlose. I mean seriously. Rhen McCormick was so hot, so misunderstood and so cute. I mean he had that late night talk with his mother about why he felt that he needed to fight the system and his voice was low and gravely. Or when he was at the railroad tracks with Ariel and he told her he wouldn't kiss her because he'd "figured you've been kissed a lot and I'd suffer by comparison."
There are many movies that made me laugh, cry and remember my high school days. There was Breakfast Club, where we got to see all the different kids from various cliques come together. Sixteen Candles where we saw the nerd get the hottest guy in school. Oh Jake, the cake on the table and that kiss!!!!
I also loved "Some kind Of Wonderful" where Watts got Keith to kiss her so he could practice what he wanted to do to Amanda Jones. " You know, pretend I'm a girl". Classic.
But I think my all time favorite is Pretty in Pink. There is no movie that captured the 80's high school angst better. The differences in cliques, class, and sex were so real i was fascinated. I went to a rich kid high school with big differences in class, so this felt so real to me.
My favorite character is Steph. The guy is beyond. Here's just a few bit's of Steph's (James Spader- and never looked hotter), wisdom.
"Come on, look around you. Would I treat my parents house like this if money was any kind of issue".
"Why don't you take a shower, you look like shit."
"I have a room upstairs when anybody's ready to get serious".
"What's her name? Edie?"
"That girl is, was, and always will be nada".
What's your favorite 80's movie? Don't forget my giveaway listed below!!!
xo the Mrs.
Some Kind of Wonderful is very high on the list (that kiss gets me every single time!).
But my all time favorite, which I've watched a good 50 times (yes, I'm serious) is The Breakfast Club.
I've even got my kids watching it now. Yup.
St. Elmo's Fire hands down! Pretty in Pink and Breakfast Club tied for a close second! Sixteen Candles following closely behind!
I love Sixteen Candles & Weird Science!
Both great movies :)
This is a bit of a 'fluffy' one, but I loved 'Can't buy me Love,' and saw it soooo many times my freshman year - guess that would've been '86....
By far...Sixteen Candles. Ode to Jake Ryan. Had an entire blog entry dedicated to him. Close second, Pretty in Pink because of the angst and the soundtrack. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
i loved vision quest !!!! and red dawn
oh and valley girl
I'm so glad that I grew up in the 80s with all of those movies! Pretty in Pink, Can't Buy Me Love and Ferris Bueller's Day Off are among my faves! Great post!
Oh I LOVE me some James Spader too!
My favorite - a John Hughes one of course - is Sixteen Candles.
Swoon...footloose! My 21 y/o niece was just asking me if she should put it in her queue. I tried to prepare her for the greatness but can her generation really appreciate what Ren did for that small bible belt town?
Sixteen Candles, I wanted Jake Ryan to come pick me up in that little red porsche. xo, MB
James Spader as Stefan rocked! Love the nada quote. That kid on NYC Prep, PC, reminds me so much of this character (except I can't stand him or this show). But as much as I loved JS, Jake Ryan was (still is?) my all time fav!
I can't believe they are making Footloose over! I feel so old
Oh James Spader...what a hottie. I love seeing him now. Makes me feel OK about gaining weight too since the 80's when we apprantely both peaked.
Loved Some Kind of Wonderful and Sixteen Candles!
James Spader was your typical 80's bad-boy..and I love it!
Oh...Jake Ryan...wow!
I am reading Jen Lancaster's Pretty In Plaid. She nails the 80's with details. I don't think anyone as ever documented such an era before.It's pretty darn funny!
St. Elmo's Fire, Steel Magnolias, About Last Night, Top Gun, Dirty Dancing... there are so many!
Better Off Dead with John Cusack was a fav...& of course, Ferris Bueller. I love all the other movies mentioned too... :)
Love The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles and Weird Science!!!
"His name is Blane? That's a major appliance, that's not a name!!!" Gotta love Duckie :)
Pretty in Pink was the first movie I was able to see with friends...and no parents. We were in the 7th grade!
LOVED Pretty in Pink (J. Spader was such an a$$ but oh so hot). I played that soundtrack until the tape broke. I also loved, loved, loved Valley Girl. N. Cage was so gorgeous and also loved that soundtack. Fun stuff.
Valley Girl and Breakfast Club. The first R rated movie I ever saw in the theatre was Fast Times at Ridgemont High. And you cannot forget Porky's. It was the American Pie of our decade.
did I mention Pretty In Plaid? Because if there is a definitive book about the 80's, this is it!
I love love love Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, THe Breakfast Club, etc.! That Jake was a HUNK!
I also liked My Chauffeur, Reckless, Valley Girl, St Elmo's Fire, & Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Just 'lots of fun & laughs' movies!
Less Than Zero!! Happy Monday!! I have an award for you. xxx me
Pretty In Pink
Fast Times At Ridgemont High
Jaws 2 & 3
I gotta go "Sixteen Candles". Jake Ryan, pulling up to the church, waiting as Samantha walks out in her terrible bridesmaid dress. I can hear the background music now. Best. Scene. Ever.
That being said, James Spader is the Hotness. I know we were supposed to love Blaine in that movie, but I'll take Steph any day (or Duckie, for that matter).
Even though I was born in the 80s I LOVE 80s movies. My sisters are much older so I grew up watching these movies. I think 16 Candles is my favorite.
It's a tie between Pretty in Pink and Ferris Bueller. Oh, and Can't Buy Me Love. I loved that movie! It cracks me up to watch it now and then see Patrick Dempsey on Grey's! Talk about a transformation!
I loved all these movies and think I am so lucky that I came of age in the 80's and in NY...it was such a great time for movies, music and love...{{sigh}}first kiss...thanks for the trip down memory lane, luckily I relive that first kiss feeling with Ken all the time!
The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, and St Elmos Fire!!! :)
Hope you had fun on your vacation! ;-)
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