
Fabulous Fourth

We will be busy bees this fourth of July weekend, as we are heading to Laguna! Hubby will be wearing these Ralph Lauren searsucker flag pants and cocktailing for sure. Here are the events:

Friday night we will be at a champagne toast, butterfly release then onto story telling for Landon by Little Red Riding Hood.

Saturday will be pool time, then that night a fancy BBQ on a golf course with a band, fireworks, face painting and balloon tying! Whoohoo!

Landon will be wearing the outfit above. I think this will be his last Jon Jon folks. Cue sad music about "Butterfly Kissses, "You're Going To Miss This", cry my eyes out stuff. My Landon is growing up.

Might have to run to Marshals and see if there's a sailor dress for Coco!!!

Happy Fourth!

The Mrs.


Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Wishing you a most delightful July 4th! Sounds absolutely lovely!

I love that Little Red Riding Hood is sharing a story with Landon! I have no doubt Coco will look absolutely adorable too!


Suburban prep said...

You will be the best dressed family there.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Have fun!!! You will be sooo close to me!!!!

Jen said...

Wow! Sounds like a dream holiday!!

Muffy said...


Sandra said...

I do remember when the Jon Jons had to be put away ;-( . Love these outfits for the day!!

AMY said...

I'll always remember when my husband told me he thought Mason was getting too big for the Jon Jons! :-( I felt a bit of a ache in my heart for you when I read you have come to that place. Enjoy your July 4th celebrations. Sounds like a fun weekend.

Courtney said...

Happy 4th of July! I love Landon's Jon Jon even if it is his last.

Lin said...

Have a great 4th of July!

Debbie said...

Sounds like you have a great weekend planned! I hope it's a wonderful one.

cancersucks said...

The no more jon jon day is a very sad day. The no more smocked dresses is even sadder so stock up! My M is all about jeans these days. She wore the smocked white dress for her communion "for God" and I fear I won't see her in another dress until prom. And of course Lilly has those cute jon jons now that all my boys are too big for them! Enjoy your holiday weekend with the family.

Preppy Lizard said...

Have a wonderful 4th of July celebration. Looks like you guys will be going in style!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a lovely lvely week end - and I feel your pain re the growing up thing - it's so hard! I am almost dreadin Caspar leaving behind his dummy, nigh nappie, fluffy hair and pot belly!

Pinot after Playdates said...

hope it was fun! The "Last Jon Jon" Day was hard at our house, hard at least for me!!