
80's Nostalgia Week: Tretorns, Ripped Jeans and Shoulder Pads Oh My!

Apparently the old addage "everything old is new again" is true because my beloved Tretorns are back.

I first got a pair of Tretorns when I was in 7th grade. They had a yellow, peppy, "V" on the side, and I felt like the cutest girl in town. To paint the picture for you, I would wear them with my yellow pom pom socks, navy short shorts with white piping, and my Dad's Blue Lacoste shirt (which was like a dress). Sometimes I would belt it too. Oh yes ladies, I was HOT!

The Tretorns made me so happy because not only were they cute, but oh so comfy. I would get a differen't color stripe each season when they would wear out (ie navy for fall), and I felt sporty and sassy.

Don't you remember when you first realized fashion was your choice? That you could affect peoples opinion of you by what you wore?

I can recall a lot of firsts by what I was wearing.

First time I noticed a boy checking me out? I was wearing Gloria Vanderbilt Lavender jeans.

First time I had a major teenage blow out with my mom? Holes in the knees of my jeans.

First time I felt like a woman? Shoulder pads. Felt like an adult!!!

First time my mom bought me a really expensive clothing item? My Ton Sur Ton blue padded jacket.

First time I felt sexy? Wearing my red Mia flats, with the pointy toe.

A lot of these things have come back into style, and at first I was sickened. Made me feel old and out of touch. Writing this post has changed my mind. Now I'm just smiling, thinking of some other girl having some of her firsts in her peppy yellow "V" striped Tretorns.

The Mrs.


Always Organizing said...

I love walking down memory lane thinking about fashion! I had a fitted, ultra stonewashed, white fringed jean jacket that I rocked with white leather boots! Oh my, what a look. So 80's and so Jersey!!! I seriously looked like I walked straight out of a Bon Jovi video with the huge hair and all.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I giggled through this whole post! I had every single one of these 80's fashion staples too down to the red Mia flats! lol! I just bought a pair of Tretorns a few weeks ago with the "sea pink" V! I get stopped all the time by people who like to go down Tretorn memory land! lol! I also couldn't live without my duck shoes! Remember those???

(my Twitter "name" is dawnrsmith...I haven't tweeted yet, but am going to start this week!)

Seersucker Scrapper said...

I have been buying my little girl tretorns for a couple of years now. I just loved the ones I had with the navy plaid "v". I think I had every color growing up.

I just love that my little girl can wear them.

Now what else should we bring back?

Maureen said...

Love this post. We have to be the same age... I had the Mia's in a ton of colors. Wore them with Guess jeans rolled tight at the ankle with Mia's and a Forenza sweater with the V in the back. Loved my Tretorns. I would wear them out - I remember wearing the soles out. I can't remember what color I had, but I did love them. I want them for my Lulu - can't wait.

Stereos and Souffles said...

I can get behind the return of Tretorns, I loved them!!

Pinot after Playdates said...

Tretorns....were my OBSESSION!!!

I weighed in with my own "Ass of the Week" hope you don't mind! Tell me what u think!!

Kim said...

I was so sad when I "outgrew" my white tretorns with navy trim and my blue Kappa Kappa Gamma shoestrings. 4 kids will make your feet grow....sniff. I'm older than you, so I was in college in the early to mid 80's and it was Preppy Handbook all the way. I never stopped dressing that way...what a rut!

Eloise said...

I loved my Tretorns but had completely forgotten about the pompon socks! Thanks for the fun trip down Fashion Memory Lane!

I look at pictures of me wearing shoulder pads, however, and wonder what was I thinking?!

LPC said...

Hehe. In the late 8o's I was wearing maternity clothes. There's a great book like this, called Love, Loss, And What I Wore. But she was around in the 40's so no Tretorns:).

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

HOW had I forgotten all about Tretorns?? Classic.

Preppy Lizard said...

Love the post! I had tretorns in every color and would wear them with my Guess jeans that had the zipper on the side down the ankle..OH BOY were we styling in the 80's!!!

Domestic Diva said...

I wear mine all the time..it is the perfect tennis shoes to wear with a skirt. You don't socks and it so reminds you of your high school days!!
xxxxxx me

V.R. Martel said...

My first was in the 9th grade. I bought them with the money I earned from babysiting. White with a red gull wing. But my most fav pair had a madras gull wing