Ran into Annie Potts on our flight back from Virginia. I was staring at her, wondering if it was her...indeed it was. I can spot 'em I tell ya. I'm like a Hollywood Safari guide. I digress...
Annie struck up a conversation with me as I was cooing at baby Coco. Coco was wearing these socks from Mud pies.

I know the cardinal rule of flying is "Dress 'em cute to distract from possible ruination of everyone's flight!". Annie loved the socks because she had three boys and wished for socks like these!!
She was adorable, cute jeans, little orange bag and shoes, not preppy but a little hip. She was wonderful. Now I love her more than I did before.
Did you love Designing Women?
I did.
It made me miss the south, want a workplace with best friends, and need a little innocent humor once in a while.
My two favorite episodes are:
Ray Don: When Julia lectures a man named Ray Don, thanking him for women everywhere that surely don't want to eat dinner by themselves.
Here's the exchange:
A middle-aged swinger approaches the ladies in a sushi bar:
MAN: Allow me to introduce myself -- Ray Don Simpson.
JULIA: There's no need for introductions, Ray Don, we know who you are.
RAY DON: (smiling) You do?
JULIA: Of course. You're the guy who is always wherever women gather or try to be alone. You want to eat with us when we're dining in hotels, you want to know if the book we're reading is any good, or if you can keep up company on the plane. And I want to thank you, Ray Don, on behalf of all the women in the world, for your unfailing attention and concern. But read my lips and remember, as hard as it is to believe, sometimes we like talking just to each other, and sometimes we like just being alone.
But this is nothing compared to my ALL TIME FAVORITE Designing Women Moment, another Julia Sugarbaker tirade. This is from the "Beauty Contest" episode.
JULIA: Excuse me, aren't you Marjorie Leigh Winnick, the current Miss Georgia World?
MARJORIE: Why, yes I am.
JULIA: I'm Julia Sugarbaker, Suzanne Sugarbaker's sister. I couldn't help over hearing part of your conversation.
MARJORIE: Well, I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was here.
JULIA: Yes, and I gather from your comments there are a couple of other things you don't know, Marjorie. For example, you probably didn't know that Suzanne was the only contestant in Georgia pageant history to sweep every category except congeniality, and that is not something the women in my family aspire to anyway. Or that when she walked down the runway in her swimsuit, five contestants quit on the spot. Or that when she emerged from the isolation booth to answer the question, "What would you do to prevent war?" she spoke so eloquently of patriotism, battlefields and diamond tiaras, grown men wept. And you probably didn't know, Marjorie, that Suzanne was not just any Miss Georgia, she was the Miss Georgia. She didn't twirl just a baton, that baton was on fire. And when she threw that baton into the air, it flew higher, further, faster than any baton has ever flown before, hitting a transformer and showering the darkened arena with sparks! And when it finally did come down, Marjorie, my sister caught that baton, and 12,000 people jumped to their feet for sixteen and one-half minutes of uninterrupted thunderous ovation, as flames illuminated her tear-stained face! And that, Marjorie --- just so you will know --- and your children will someday know --- is the night the lights went out in Georgia!
You can go to designingwomenoneline.com and see even more tidbits!!! Which episode did you love?
The Mrs.
Don't forget my giveaway for the Mommy hook!