
Sulking in Samoas

I just want to say what sweet blogger friends I've made. You took to the time to leave heartfelt comments and words of made me feel so much better. Even tonight, as I "sulk with my Samoas" (DAMN YOU GIRL SCOUTS AND YOUR EVIL COOKIES!), and watch Justin Timberlake in concert that I Tivo'd a hundred years ago (LOVE YOU JT), I know you guys are wishing me well. My blonde dog and two cats are with me on the couch, Hubbys in the clubhouse (Garage), and Landon's fast asleep. I am trying to keep a positive outlook.
Let me take a moment to say I LOVE reading your blogs. I feel like I know you guys. I can hear your voices in your posts. I love to log on and read what's happening in your lives. It's been so fun sharing, laughing, and supporting each other. This is a whole world of it's own and I am proud and grateful to be a part of it.
If I don't know you already and you've been reading, take a moment and say HI! Tell me who you are and where you're from!? Thank you for being a part of this amazing journey!


lizziefitz said...

For people who don't understand...It is the modern day pen pal. It is so amazing to get that instant gratification when you click away and there they are. Friends sharing people, places and things in common. I take each of you through out my day,say a prayer or giggle when something reminds me of each blogger:)

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I am glad things are a little better. I feel the same way about blogger, it has been so much fun to get to know everyone. Hang in there and we look forward to an update! :)

PaperCourt said...

I'm glad the Samoas are cheering you up. I've also been indulging (3 points for 2 cookies...damn them).

I love how you post so often. I am a slacker but I can always count on you to have a daily post :-)

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

I just finished posting about our Girl Scout Cookies that arrived yesterday. Hope your week gets better. I too feel as if I know all my bloggers that I read.

Sweet Pea Chef said...

Never underestimate the power of the Girl Scout cookie...or chocolate...or ice cream, but I digress...

I will pray for you. I am so sorry for all that has been going on in your life right now. We have had a bad week too, our little one was rushed to the ER and in the hospital. But God is good and we are making it through, one day at a time.

I know it is not easy at times like this, but I have been trying to meditate on this verse:

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11

and this one too...

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Josh 1:9

I am not sure what your beliefs are, so I hope this doesn't sound preachy. I just share it as an encouragement.

Hang in there!

magnoliabelle said...

I'm a little behind in my reading....I'm so sorry things have been icky! Will be praying for you and your fam. Enjoy the GS Cookies:)

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

I just read your previous post...I am so sorry for your crappy last few days. When it rains, it pours I always say. Things can only get better, right? I will say a prayer for you and please have some Samoas for me-they are my FAVE!

Barefoot in the Park said...

I had half a sleeve of thin mints yesterday, you are in good company!

Linda S said...

I wish Samoas could solve it have been so sweet to me as I start my blogging career. Many prayers and well wishes to you and your family!

kenady said...

I finished off a box of Tagalongs last night and I have a box of Samoas waiting for me! I hate being a girl sometimes!

Glad you are feeling a bit better. We love you too!

Belle said...

I ditto everything everyone has said. Including the Samoas. They ARE evil, and yet, sooooo good. ;) I hope everything is looking up for you. I absolutley love reading your posts and can also "hear" everyone's voices as I'm reading. It's a great place to be.

Amy said...

The blogosphere is amazing!! I can't believe all the "friends" that I have made. And now I must go grab my box of Samoas because that picture made me start to drool!

Kim said...

I hope you're feeling better (you know samoas have magical properties, right). My internet at home has been down for a couple of days....I really missed everyone!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Glad you are feeling better!

As if I hadn't helped myself to enough Caramel DeLites (the east coast version of Samoas) I just made another pound cake...

We've had some stressful situations lately, too, but as long as we keep our focus on the more plentiful good things, everything will work out. Like you say, it is all about keeping perspective.

Michelle said...

Your blog is one of my favorites and I have never gotten the sense that you were breaking under the stress of seem to have a lovely, grace-filled spirit!