
My Hair Likes To Go Out

I looooove getting my hair done. Not the salon part, (it is nice to have some magazine reading time though), the part where I walk out of the salon like I'm in a magazine ad, hair bouncing and looking fabulous. There I am with my newly highlighted (blonded as I call it),blown dry, and styled hair, flipping it around. I just can't help myself! I always make sure I dress up a little to go to the salon, so I can look cute!

Then there would be a let down. Oh, I'm heading home with my hair. My hair would become depressed, even fall a little. "You mean we're not going out?" Nope, just going to make dinner at home...

Well, forget that! Now when I get my hair done, I do it on a Saturday. Then I line up a babysitter and plan a date night. My hair likes to go out after it's been done! I had everything going smoothly until I talked to hubby after leaving the salon. "Babysitter canceled." I almost couldn't hear him through all my new blonded, fluffy, and fabulous hair. My hair and I just went limp. I got off the phone and tried to make my hair and I feel better. No matter what I told us, we could not be happy. I had to take action.

I called our neighbors (who have a teenage boy and girl) and asked if Sarah (teenage girl and my some time babysitter) could do it. No dice, she had plans. When I hung up I told my hair that was it. "Stop pouting, I'll take you out to church in the morning", to which my hair said "I won't look the same in the morning! It's NOT FAIR!" And refused to talk to me the rest of the way home.

The phone rang again. I thought it was hubby consoling me. It was Sarah's teenage brother Isaac. "I'll do it!"; he said. My hair must have overheard because suddenly a curl leapt forward and brushed my cheek. "I know", I said. "I want to go out too..." I took Isaac up on his offer. He didn't have to do more then raid the fridge because we put Landon to bed before we left.

My hair and I went out to a fabulous dinner and we couldn't have been happier. Hubby was there too. Here we are (me and my hair) pictured above. As you can see we make quite a pair.


Princess Libby said...

I always make sure that I get my hair done on a Saturday as well, before we go out for something. I too get dressed up to get my hair done and hubby makes fun of me - he doesn't understand.

lizziefitz said...

I love your hair story. I always schedule my hair appt. around a social event (baby shower, birthday party, etc.) My favorite part of the story was when you "mentioned" that hubby went to dinner with you and your hair too (hysterical)! I bummed that you haven't gotten your box yet. Did you do something to your postal worker?

Linda S said...

Great hair chica!!! Must have been a great Saturday night if it took you this long to post! (jk) Glad you got out for some deserve it!!!

Belle said...

You look GORGEOUS! Loved your story. Cracked me up!! I'm so glad you and your hair got to hit the town!!!

Anonymous said...

She looked very lovely...and so did the Mrs.

-The Mr.

Connecticut Charm said...

Fabulous hair! I plan hair appts around social events/date nights too! Has anyone ever told you that you look a bit like Reese Witherspoon? (one of my fave actresses and she is beautiful!)

Kim said...

I had to leave root day with my hair wet due to my new dishwasher installation, so I guess it will be whole month before we can have fun like that!

Where did you see Jake and Reese????

Amy said...

Love it!! I always have to do something special with my hair too! And you and your hair look FAB!

Anonymous said...

Love your hair - AND especially the way you wrote this post. Very cute and clever!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

You look beautiful! I am glad you and your husband were able to go out!

BTW - I love the fabric on your pillows and curtains.

Emily said...

How funny! I finally found a stylist I love and I generally walk out feeling the same. :)

Great idea on scheduling a date night afterwards!

Suzanne said...

Your hair looks great, glad you made it out! I try to schedule my haircuts on Saturdays too for the very same reason!

Preppy Lizard said...

You have GREAT hair! You are so right about feeling that way when you leave the salon and how it's never the same the next day. I love love love getting my hair done too.

Karen said...

Great post! Your hair looks fabulous, so glad it got to go out!


Snappy Casual Snippets said...

Looks really good. You always feel like you have a little extra in your step when you leave the hair salon. At least I do.

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Loved this post. We are "twins". I do the same, BUT my stylist cancelled MY highlight appt on Sat. She had the nerve to get the flu! :) So today I wore a baseball hat all day because I'm 2 weeks overdue. Now my appt is on Wed and I have no plans to take advantage of my new hair!

Caffeine Court said...

You look so beautiful. I have been crazy busy with my sick daughter and just read about some of the troubles you've been facing. I'll be praying for you. Hang in there!

Kiki said...

Mrs., What a great pic, you look amazing!!!! I love your hair and plan my day around getting my hair done. I take the day off work and do fun things, all the while flipping my hair like I'm in a sunsilk commercial!!! Its a sickness!!! Heehee!!!

The Chic Chauffeur said...

Absolutely know how you feel! And OF COURSE (!) you must dress up when you go to the salon, lest your stylist think you are not worthy of high style, and sticks you with a frumpy do! You can't just throw on a pair of sweats and get your hair done anymore!

Your hair is darling!

magnoliabelle said...

LOL! What a great post! You sound just like one of my best friends...she get's so proud of the poofiness of her hair...

Yours looks fabulous, dahling!!!

PaperCourt said...

I'm getting mine highlighted next Wednesday (for the first time)! You look Fabulous!

Heather said...

Hee hee. What a cute post. And your hair looks fabulous!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

YOU look fabulous! I know how you feel, when you leave the salon you just want to enjoy your look and I'm glad you got to! Looks great!

Steel Magnolia said...

You look great. Love the hair. And I can so relate to this story!

lizziefitz said...

I want to have a celebrity sighting...Reese is my favorite!

Lamp Tramp said...

What a great picture. Your is fabulous and you look fabulous too!

workinthatpreppy said...

you look fabulous! and so does your hair. getting mine done at 8:30 this morning ..then off to my big job at 10:00. a date would be so much nicer...we don't know what that is around here...maybe to the ball field or gym...

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

You look fabulous! Love your hair. I am trying to grow mine out like yours.

Beth said...

Your hair looks excellent! I'm I just moved recently, I can't find a hairdresser I love...but I'm still looking:)

Tickled Pink And Green said...

I can see how you're a writer. You're good!

P.S. Great hair too.

The Adventures of Maverick & the Mrs. said...

How funny are you?!?! You look very Reese-like in that pic. (As in my most favorite chick-flick actress--Witherspoon!)