
Sanity Break- Shoot!

Look at me! Do I look HOT or what? I am tough I tell ya. I have to say that hubby is a hunter and a shooter. I don't like guns all that much but I can be sporty if I get to wear the right outfit or carry the right accessories. I loved these hunter green ear muffs. I'm sure they're called something else!
I have to tell you this was a real sanity break. Shooting the gun, stepping outside of my comfort zone and focusing on hitting the sporting clays as they whizzed through the air. Hubby brought me a lighter gun so I felt in control, but when I first shot it I was scared! Then I got the hang of it.

What's great about learning something new is it makes you feel young. I felt sassy! Can you tell?

Look at hubby:

How cute is he in his khakis? He went to bed early tonight with a horrible cold. make his day and visit his blog tomorrow! The Sporting Life Society, is very cool. Maybe your hubby would like it!


Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Looks like fun! I need to send my husband a link to your husband's blog.

Have a nice day!

Linda S said...

i too love the earmuffs, but would prefer pink ...jmho

Lindsey said...

Wow! You look badass!

The Chic Chauffeur said...

That is cool! Were you yelling, PULL! and then shooting, or were there bad guys you were aiming at, and you were yelling 'freeze, mutha fuckas! hee hee Sorry, Terrible language!!!! I would love to go target shooting!!!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

VERY SASSY! I get so nervous around guns but would really like to go to the shooting range to see what it's like. I honestly don't think I could kill an animal but it would be nice not to be so intimidated by guns. I've tried skeet shooting before, fun! Not too good at it...

Preppy Lizard said...

That's awesome...good for you!

My soon to be brother in law is a big hunter/fisherman and everytime he and my sister visit he tries to get me to go to the range with him. I never have as I felt silly and thought I would be out of place and not know what to do. But you have inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and maybe try it!

ALL THE BEST said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will bookmark your blog and come back for another visit!!

Kiki said...

Mrs., You are AWESOME!! I love your outfit, the green ear protection is perfect with your brown vest!!! Your hair is also looking very swingy!! I also have a husband does not hunt, but likes to target shoot, so we have some guns and rifles in the house and I love shooting them. He has one really big rifle that I thought I could handle and instead it knocked me flat on my back. Yup, I'm cool. I'll be sure to stop by the Mr.'s site!!! Hope he feels better soon!!

Karen said...

Very cool! You look like one tough Mama! Will send link to your husband's blog to my hubby...I think he will enjoy as I saw a Hunter S. Thompson quote.


Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

I have to say you are very BRAVE. I have shot a gun before but not with all the cool "get up" you were wearing. I think its great that you support your husband by doing things with him that he enjoys.

Barefoot in the Park said...

how much fun!

The Mrs. said...

I said "Pull"! Felt cool to have the control! You need to have a "girl gun" as I call it. Lighter with less kick back. Thanks for stopping by hubbys blog everyone! He was so happy!

workinthatpreppy said...

oh my...ya'll are both so sassy. my youngest son uses that word for really sassy moms (the ones who have big boobs in camisoles at ball games!) i say you too are sporty sexy:o)

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

My husband would think that is, "HOTTTTT!"

And I love Chic Chauffeur's comment!

Lamp Tramp said...

Yes, you look SO HOT shooting. But are you just range practicing or do you hunt? Took a major awakening for me when both my kids took up hunting. It is huge here in the South and actually a way of life. Daughter went out hunting first time, with a boyfriend, killed a buck, 2nd shoot ever, She brought all the stuff home. I was grossed out, she was proud. Son loves and lives by it. I don't want all the yucky stuff that comes with it. So very foreign to me. But I think I would like to know how to shoot a gun. Recently, hub thinks we should have a pistol in the house. HHMMMM... I'll check out your hubby's site.