
Oh Stevie! Is that really you?

I had the thrill of my life yesterday. A wonderful celebrity sighting of STEVE PERRY. You know Steve Perry! He was in the band Journey! Anyhoo...I usually do NOT approach the celebs I see, but I could not help myself. I went up to him and told him I love him and his voice. I tried to walk away but he wanted to chat! So we did!
It's funny that I love him because I really like Stevie Wonder, George Benson etc. There are some songs though, that just make me bawl. That is how I feel about Steve Perry singing Foolish Heart.

I mean I love this man and he was the sweetest. Great celebrity sighting!!!
Ps my first video posting! I feel so high tech!


workinthatpreppy said... are so high tech and high society!

Melissa said...

That is so awesome! I love Journey!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

How cool that you got to meet Steve Perry! I am glad he was friendly!

Genuine Lustre said...

Wow - what a great encounter. You really have to be of a certain age to appreciate it. : )

The Chic Chauffeur said...

WOW!!! I just love Don't Stop Believin'. And Oh Sherrie! I could go on and on and on! Way cool!!!! How exciting for you!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome - and, what perfect timing that you had just had blonding done!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome - and, what perfect timing that you had just had blonding done!

Anonymous said...

I think it was planned...The blonding before the encounter...

-the Mr.

Etiquettely Correct said...

I am insanely jealous! that is awesome

Always Organizing said...

So awesome! Listening to Journey still gives me chills...

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

How FUN! So glad to hear he was so nice, makes me like him even more! :)

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Wow! Isn't it great when you find out they're so nice? The opposite is always disappointing.

Randy Jackson (American Idol judge) just mentioned Steve Perry the other day on the show b/c someone did a Steve Perry song. Actually I think Randy might have been in Journey at one time.

Any-whoo - glad you stopped him to chat.

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

I love Journey. The song "lights". Yep, love it.
That is so cool you see celebrities all the time.
Go to this link to answer your question about crawfish.

Beth said...

So much fun! What a coincidence having your hair done so soon before the encounter-lucky you:) Gotta love a little Journey now and then.

Karen said...

So awesome you got to meet Steve Perry...and he was nice!


Kiki said...

Uh huh, you are so right about Steve Perry and Journey, when I hear their music I am totally transported back to when I was in school...also music from any of the John Hughes to iTunes to download some old school music!!!

and you are completely high tech, great job!!!

*Pink Preppy Party Girl* said...

Jouney--takes me back to high school. Thanks for the memory!

Cindy said...

I can't believe you see all those people!! Jake Gyllenhaal is just dreamy. Makes me feel like a leacherous old lady. :)

ponz said...

Wow that is so cool! where where you when you saw him?
I love SP !