
Fabulous Find- Yummy Tummy Tank Tops

I have made a great discovery! I may not have cured cancer, but gosh darn it this feels pretty great. The Yummy Tummy tank top is a down right miracle. Notice in the pictures, this really does make the pregnant tummy disappear. I got them in white and blank but they come in every color! This is way better than Spanx, it's a long tank. With Spanx going to the bathroom is annoying but these are perfect!

I found them at a boutique near me, but you can get yours at Hip Undies. I really think this is my most fabulous find yet!


justme said...

ohhhh i must get me one of these. thanks for the tip

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!! Truly fabulous... guess I'll have those last Girl Scout cookies after all.

lizziefitz said...

How do you think this compares to Lipo in a box?

Anonymous said...

can you buy them in the UK

Preppy Mama said...

Thank you!! I need this so desperately. Do they ride up?

Suburban prep said...


Snappy Casual Snippets said...

that is pretty cool.

Monica said...

Interesting...may have to try these. I'm so tired of dealing with having to completly undress to go to the bathroom, or constantly pull something up!

so tired said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.

I'm not sure if this would work for me. I need the thigh separation that Spanx offers.

Plus, I could just see this starting to roll at the bottom and then springing up like a shade gone crazy!

Kiki said...

Going to find them these!!! Thanks for the great idea!!

The Mrs. said...

Better than lipo in a box and does NOT ride up! Not sure if avail in the OK.....

Linda S said...

after 3 kids..i'm on it! thanks!

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

I will definitely need one of these in the fall after #2!!!!

Preppy Lizard said...

Amazing! I'm going to check them out right now!

Kate said...

Ooh! Must get this! After 2 babies - the pilates is not quite cutting it for firming up the belly;)

Nelly said...

oh hello fabulousness.

Steel Magnolia said...

that truly is amazing...