
Kindness of Bloggers

I've said it before and I'll say it again. You guys are the best. I love being a part of the blogging community. Just Us Chickens was so sweet, she knew I was down, and that I had Landon, and sent me the most FABULOUS box of hand me downs ever. All Ralph Lauren and in mint condition. What a gift. Landon is going to look so handsome! Thank you so Much!!!!!

We had serious modem issues which is why no St. Patty's post. We went to my neighbor Sheilas last night and had a fabulous St.Pattys Pot Luck! I was in charge of salad so I felt I had it easy considering it's already green. I did fancy it up a little though. (green beans, broccoli, cilantro, cucumber etc)

Have you tried this salad dressing? I LOVE it.

Landon had a ball running around with the kids who were there. Grandmommie and Poppy are coming in this week and so is Aunt Ninky. It's going to be a wonderful Easter. We're also celebrating Poppy's 80th bday! I can hardly believe it. He looks so young and is so sharp!


Caffeine Court said...

Wow! Awesome clothes! My neighbor has a little "shopping problem" and she gives me her daughter's old clothes. I use the term old very loosely because half the stuff still has tags...beautiful stuff!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I love the new clothes for Landon! What a sweet friend! I want to try that salad dressing, I haven't tried it before.

Enjoy your family this weekend!

Etiquettely Correct said...

I love that salad dressing, if you like blue cheese, you should try the Blue Cheese Vinaigrette - its so good.

Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise!

Can't wait to see what you've put together for the reception!

Anonymous said...

That is my favorite salad dressing in the world - I had no idea you could find it in California - I thought it was a New Orleans thing (it's made here, or at least it used to be)!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Wow, what a nice surprise! Cute clothes! Enjoy. :)

Etiquettely Correct said...

thanks for adding me!

Preppy Lizard said...

I love that dressing it is so good! What an awesome blog friend to send you those great clothes...Landon will look smashing!

Midwest Prep said...

so lucky-what a nice thing to send-especially since she has good taste!! I haven't tried that dressing but since everyone is raving i will have to keep a look out!

The 5 Bickies said...

I love giving and getting hand me downs. Nothing better than a box of "new" stuff. As for the salad dressing, will have to look for on the east coast. The blue cheese vinaigrette mentioned above sounds good. Your neighbors and friends have fun parties. Barely a green shirt in this house this year!