
Happy Birthday Ryan!

Today is one of my best friends birthday. She is a sorority sister (KAT), a wife to a cutey pie hubby, and mom to gorgeous puppy Cash. She is such a supportive and wonderful girlfriend. Here are a few things I love about her:

1. She has an infectious laugh and a killer smile.
2. She's smart as a whip, and could run any company as long as they kept her supplied with Diet Cokes.
3. She was the president of our sorority and kicked ass at it. She still loooves Theta.
4. She has the most gorgeous skin on earth.
5. She tells the truth but is also very encouraging.
6. She loves the show Cops.
7. She can fish, and be sporty but she is a girly girl.
8. She has been every size and gorgeous every time.
9. She doesn't really drink but she can hang with the best of them!
and finally,
10.She loves her girlfriends!

Happy Birthday RYNAL!


workinthatpreppy said...

looks like fun..oh, did i mention my birthday was wednesday?hehe actually, i want to forget this one...

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Happy Birthday Ryan! She sounds like an amazing person!

Anonymous said...

I work with Ryan...and she really is THAT amazing!! Happy Birthday girl! Θ♥,becks

workinthatpreppy said...

i went to my e-mail to print off addresses and can't find your in my inbox nor deleted sorry. can you e-mail it to me...again?

kenady said...

aren't fabulous girlfriends the best?

Preppy Lizard said...

Hope she had a Happy Birthday! She sounds like an amazing girlfriend!

Lamp Tramp said...

How fun! Happy Birthday to a great girlfiend....looks you had a great time!

Beth said...

She sounds like a great friend:) What a super picture of you all...had to mention that I LOVE your hair, it makes me miss my long hair! And I must say you are very photogenic, lucky girl!!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Great girlfriends RULE! :)

Linda S said...

good times!