

Sometimes I just know I am doing everything right. 

Little moments when I hear my kids and I know I am guiding and molding them into wonderful human beings. I love that Landon and Coco are such good friends. Look at these kids.

Thick as thieves.

Today, as we were heading out to the "Country Club" (more on this later), I put Coco in her brand new flowered blue bikini. 

She walked into the kitchen and Landon gasped.

I literally heard him draw his breath in.

And then he said it.


I almost cried.

Can you imagine the lucky woman who is going to marry this guy? He is so sweet and loving to her and all his friends. Such a good guy! I am one proud mama. Today I am feeling like One Fabulous Mom!


Solar Powered said...

that is so sweet. so, so sweet.
i can't wait to see a sister/brother relationship with my two :)

Lori said...

oh my, that is precious!!! yes, you are definitely doing something right!!!xo

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Keep up the good work!

Cas said...

I love this post! Way to go are a fabulous one XO