
Pool Remodel- Aka armageddon in the back yard

Here's what I have been up to recently:

Keep in mind it used to look like this:

Well it was looking a little fancy here from the fabulous Surfs Up Baby Shower for Keri and baby Joshie...

But with leaks, flooding and plaster coming up from the bottom of the pool it was time. I will let you know the progress. Just in time for summer right? We're putting in a fire pit, built in grill, and a bed! Woooo!!!

Here's some of my inspirations:

Love the plantings and fake grass!

Definitely doing Turquoise and apple green! Advice welcome! What should we do?


lizziefitz said...

I should have guessed this was coming ... Your Pinterest file was brimming with gorgeous pools:)

Suburban prep said...

Quite the undertaking.
I am sure it will look grand once it is finished.
I grew up with an in ground pool. I was the one who had to clean it and vacuum it once or so a week. But that is back here in the Midwest where a pool is only used about 3-4 months out of the year.
We had to sandblast it and a rehab it a time or two.
All the best.

Courtney said...

It will be beautiful when it is done. I love the turquiose and apple green colors. I wish I lived closer so I could come dip my toes in!!

Lori said...

Yes to all of it!! Especially the fake grass!:) Love the color combo, perfect.....such cooling colors!
It will be beautiful and I look forward to seeing all your fabulous summer soirees!!!

The 5 Bickies said...

Wow - that looks like quite a project! I am sure it will be wonderful when you are done!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

I'm so jealous! I want a pool in my backyard!! Love the color combo. Can't wait to see!!!