
Christopher Guy's New Store- Britt week!

Apparently I am cool because I have no idea how the Mr and I ended up at this fabulous party for Christopher Guy.

Here's the blurb:

In conjunction with the Grand Opening of the new Christopher Guy showroom and BritWeek, the second annual Christopher Guy BritWeek Design Award ceremony will be held. Sponsored by Architectural Digest, the private award presentation and cocktail reception party will announce and celebrate the winner and runner-up of the design competition. Guests will include prominent design professionals in the Los Angeles and Southern California area, the BritWeek organization and their guests, the design schools and their students, and the prestigious panel of judges: renowned Designers Christopher Guy Harrison, Philip Treacy, Martyn Lawrence Bullard and Birgit Muller.

We ran into our dear friends Alex Mason (painter of fabulousity) and Amelia who has a secret blog I will tell you about later!

Anyhoo there was champagne, a fabulous gift bag and a fashion show for hats!!

You know you love her...

And her...

Wooo it was a fun time!

1 comment:

alexkmason said...

Our chins are all looking fabulous! thanks for the advice! xoxo alex