
What Mom's Really Want For Mother's Day

What do Mom's really want for Mother's Day?

Jewelry? A massage? Five seconds to pee alone?

What usually happens? We go out, or attend a Mother's Day brunch.

I will straight up tell you I used to be a big fan of the Mother's Day Brunch.

This was of course when I had little kids who would sit in a high chair and pose with me. Soon I realized that this was way more work and stress then a Mother needed! I realized I was One Tired Mom and just wanted to relax!

And so, the Mother's Day vacation was born.

Whether it's a day trip or a weekend away, I get away somewhere with the Mr and the kids. We spend quality time relaxing and having fun. In the past we have gone to Laguna and Palm Springs. Those were two of the best weekends. I am happy, the kids are happy, and no one is being dragged to the bathroom six times before we get our brunch food. I call that a win/win. All I really want for Mother's Day is a healthy, happy family!!

Sometimes Motherhood is the path of least resistance. I'll let you know how this Mother's Day goes! What do you REALLY want for Mothers Day?


Suzanne said...

So sweet, can;t believe how big they're getting! Hope you are all well...Happy Mother's Day!

Beth Dunn said...

That sounds perfect! I want to celebrate Mother's day, not my mother's, mother's day

Jen said...

I just wanted to not do any work! After church, I read, napped, and saw a movie with my girlfriends, shopped a tad, and had dinner out with the family. Worked for me! : )