
BBQ Night!

Nothing better than BBQ when it's done RIGHT. We found a place here that I just have to tell you about. Smoke City Market has the best BBQ I have ever had!

Even though it was take out I broke out my Italian Blue Spode because I hate plastic forks and paper plates!

We had:
Smoked Beets
Cole Slaw
Mac and Cheese
Grilled corn

And we loved it all!!

Husband broke out the Moonshine!

And he didn't even mind that his new pal "Fella" showed up in the same shirt. Good times!


Veronica and Daniel said...

What a beautiful table! We had ribs last night too - and leftovers this afternoon for lunch :) My hubby has a smoker that he makes them in. Have a great weekend!

KatiePerk said...

I adore your china! Moonshine, not so much!

just ask beth said...

I loathe paper products also..except I love a funny cocktail napkin! I love a popped collar at a BBQ!!

Beth Dunn said...

We had BBQ this weekend too!

Emily said...

I have those plates and love them. They look great hosting a BBQ!

The 5 Bickies said...

Looks like a feast! What a fun night....matching shirts and all.