
What Happens In Vegas...I Tell You About On The Blog!

Had a great birthday weekend in Vegas. The Mr and I got away for two whole nights! Woo! I had a few things on the agenda:

Drinks at Mix at Mandalay Bay:

I had their version of a Cosmo which is my new favorite thing ever!!! 

The Mixopolitan:

Absolut Citron
White cranberry juice
Fresh lime

Dinner in the Mix restaurant:

And then Brunch at The Wynn at The Country Club!

The husband and I had a fabulous time!!!!


Solar Powered said...

You look gorgeous! I've been craving a Vegas getaway :) Happy Birthday!

sfitzg2 said...

Looks like some amazing places-glad you had a great time :)

Jen said...

You look pretty!

Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled said...

Nothing better than a get~away in Vegas for a busy couple! We just went this month too!

Love and Hugs,
Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

Melissa said...

Looks like fun! I love Vegas and really want to go back someday

Debra said...

Oh, how fun! Mix looks like someplace we need to go when we're up there! Hope your birthday was fabulous. :)

Anonymous said...

please tell me where you got the necklace you are wearing?

Lin said...

Fun times. I love Las Vegas & you guys look great.

Also, your hair looks really good long :)

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Gorgeous!! Happy Birthday to YOU!! Looks like a fabulous trip!

Kate said...

Isn't the view from Mix crazy? I couldn't sit in the outside patio. Too nervous!

The Country Club at the Wynn is one of my favorites too.

Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday getaway!

Stacy said...

It looks like a you had a fabulous time!!! I live in Vegas and still haven't been to Mix after all of this time....I love the Wynn though...So beautiful :) Thanks for sharing your bday fun!!!!

Lori said...

Happy Birthday! What a beautiful couple, you look so pretty and your hair has gotten so long!!