
Happy Easter!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I know it flies by. I reeeeeallly want Easter to be on a Saturday or have Monday off to recover!

Had to show you that my not one, but two color schemes went off without a hitch!

My new blue patent leather Nine West wedges were so fab! Loved them!

Here we are at church the next day in our yellow, pink and grey theme:

They make a fabulous flower filled cross at church and you can add your own flower in. Love that.

Have to tell you about this yellow dress. Found it at Ross in Florida on my college reunion weekend but did NOT buy it. Back in LA it was haunting me. Was so mad I didn't buy it!! Low and behold I found it at the Ross near my house!!! Meant to be!

Yellow dress $50
Coco's dress $25
Finding a dress that haunted you across two coasts: PRICELESS.

Happy Easter!!


Jen said...

Great pictures! I got Paige the cutest dress (on sale) at Crewcuts and did not get any good pictures. drat!

Courtney said...

You guys look fabulous! I am lucky this year because our school got the Monday after off and it has been so nice.

Melissa said...

You all look wonderful!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Great family pics. Love both color schemes!

Lin said...

You all look fabulous! And I can totally see why it haunted you to not have bought that yellow dress right away, it's super cute. Glad you finally found it :)

Kate said...

You all look great! Love the yellow dress!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

SO impressive!!! Dressing the family (with little ones) to coordinate still gives me hives when I think about it! So stressful! But you make it look easy and great!