
JLo, Casper Smart, Cecconis and My Parents?

Leave it to me to add a little excitement to my Mom and Step Dad's lives.

The Mr and I wanted to take them for a gorgeous meal at Cecconis. Cecconis has amazing food and looks like Greece.

We had goat cheese stuffed squash blossoms, grilled octopus, beets and burrata...it was heaven!

As if the meal wasn't fabulous enough....guess who walk in...JLO!

Of course we couldn't help but stare. A vision in turquoise! She was throwing a surprise birthday party for her boyfriend Casper Smart.

The private room had red roses on the tables in low gorgeous arrangements and balloons on the ceiling in all hues of red and gold, with tons of candled. Fabulous.

I made my mom walk to the restroom so she could get a better look. JLo is truly stunning and seems really happy.

That's how we roll in LA! Here's the real stars of the show. Me, The Mr, Mom and Step Dad!


Suburban Princess said...

Wow!! How exciting!! I remember one night about 15 years ago sitting on a patio and suddenly there was all this commotion behind me...turns out some famous person was back to back with me and I had no idea! I walked right past him and didn't recognize him lol

sfitzg2 said...

How fun!

Allyson and Dave said...

That is awesome! Did you take those pictures?

NicoleAlon said...

What a fun evening!

PS Your mother is stunning! I covet her outfit, jewelry and hair style!

Beth Dunn said...

Look how cute you all are! Love that you saw Jenny from the block

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

1. I miss goat cheese in a bad way. 2. She looks AMAZING in that dress...after twins? Geesh!

Barefoot in the Park said...

So that place and menu sound fabulous. No wonder it's frequented by the stars!

just ask beth said...

OMG!! your mom and dad are presh!! I love JLO!!

Sneska said...

Can you, please, tell me where did you have your honeymoon? I saw a beautiful picture: bad by the ocean?

Lori said...

You all look GORGEOUS and JLo is sooooo pretty, how fun!!