
Apparently I'm A Mom

My high school besties were in town for my birthday and just about died when they saw this drawer in my kitchen.  This is my make the morning easy drawer. Separated is all bottle parts,  sippy cups, formula and cereal. Also bibs and dishtowels. I thought this would be a great end to my top ten week.  I feel like this is a glimpse into the reality of motherhood and how we survive. Here's to all the Mommies, cheers to you and have a wonderful stress free weekend!


Yellow Beads said...

ha...well kudos for being organized!! and not having it all thrown in the drawer!

Sweet Southern Prep said...

They should understand. And your posts this week have been wonderful. Loved all your top 10's!

Always Organizing said...

I think this drawer is beyond fabulous! So organized, love it.

bevy said...

Your drawer looks like some of my kitchen drawers... my kitchen is a disaster tonight, however. I had to take photos! Will post about it in the next few days. LOL

Debra said...

I love it. What a great idea. Wish I had thought of it way back when...