
Real Houswives of NY-

I am starting to think these ladies are all insane. I was even thinking Ramona was the sane one but that's now out the window.

Let's begin shall we?

The countess goes to see her good friend Sonia Morgan. Not only does her face NOT MOVE, but she is dating Kelly's hot Max. (Kelly's face when she found out read: "there's no way he would date you, he dated me!".) What does Sonia have a golden vagina? In what universe is this woman pretty or sexy? Her poor assistant has to deal with her delusional life. Her getting botox in her neck freaked me out. I do like her attitude though, and her Miami closet, her Aspen closet etc. I may have to start liking her, so she can give me clothes. I'm not homeless but I have gone down a size. I need a Chanel suit with the tags on Thank you. 

Kelly is either the stupidest person on the earth or the crafty-est bitch of all time. Her PR 101 and 102 speech to Jill is intriguing. Her relationship with Bethanny was bad press (all press is good press but if it lasts too long it's BAD), so she turned it around. PR 102 is complimenting the person to take the heat off! Someone recently tried this on me and sad to say it worked! I think Kelly may be rising in my esteem. Could she actually be the smart one? Still hate her in her micro mini's and bunny ears though. Grow up doll. Retire the mini skirt you're OLD.

Jill Zarin is such a crazy mean grudge holder it's bananas. For goodness sakes let it go you big queen. Seriously, you are the toxic one crazy!!! What is up with Jill and LuAnn walking around central park in their high heel boots? They looked like aliens! Jill needs to ATONE for her relationship with Bethanny.

LuAnn is still playing out her countessesness and her BFF role to Jill. Is anyone else sickened by this? So now she has found some French, skinny, jewish guy she likes. Does he like fake people? Perfect. She's all yours.

Bethanny getting snubbed by her Father is sad, but I am happy for her being pregnant. You know she's gonna be the wackiest mother ever (yes more than me).

As for Alex? Come on honey, there cannot be a Brooklyn Fashion week. It's ridiculous and Ramona should never model unless it's for crazy bug eye glasses. Jill was being nasty about the whole thing even though she was RIGHT. If Jill had ANY CLASS, she would have stayed and been gracious. Thank people, compliment idiot Ramona and the whole thing.

Ramona. Ramona...Where do I begin? Waiting for Mario in her nightgown to propose was priceless. She looks alright, but she's just strange! The Kodak party was an eye opener. She confronts Jill about Kodak at the Kodak party? INSANE. RUDE. IDIOTIC. She's like a rouge reporter for TMZ! Jill asking her to leave was priceless. These ladies are a train wreck of bad manners and bad taste.B Ramona telling Kelly she had no brain and wasn't a business woman was hysterical. She's like Vicky from the OC with the whole "I work!!!"

In the end it was Sonias story about Ramona that told us all we want to know. They've known each other twenty years and Ramona tried to steal a dress from her at a sample sale!! Too funny. Doesn't it tell you ALL about Ramona? She is KRAZY.

So the only sane housewife seems to be Bobby Zarin, cause god knows Simon is off the charts insane. His little fashion show made me scared! What did you think?


lizziefitz said...


Sherrie said...

ROTFLMAO I love your recap. Ramona looked like a bug on drugs walking down the runway. Jill is the biggest biyatch of the season IMO. Luanne is a conniver and just sees what people can do for her.

Anonymous said...

You are right about them all having bad manners. This is worse than any high school I have ever seen. To imagine that these women don't have family or friends who tell them that they look like the biggest asses on the face of the earth is beyond me. Their so called fame is getting to their heads. They are a bunch of old, ignorant, stuck up women who think they are 20 and everyone is so jealous of them. PLEASE!!! Now I need to take a deep breathe and let go of the anger I feel for all of them. Thanks for letting me vent : )

justme said...

wait you forgot about jill's mom......now there is a queen bitch

Suburban Princess said...

I cant wait to see this ep! I saw the preview of Ramona walking down the runway and it looked priceless!

I met JZ - and BZ wouldnt even speak to me...so meh, he ain't that hot!

Jen said...

Just watched it. Hilarious!

Kim said...

Wow, what have I been missing? And I missed wishing you a happy birthday, too....looks like it was great!

Pretty Personal Gifts said...

I live in NY and have never met women who resemble these people. Seriously what planet are they from???

Seersucker Scrapper said...

I am still laughing. I just said to Mr. SS last night that it was like a bad train wreck. It's awful, but I just can't take my eye off it.

BTW, I think Ramona looked like Beeker from the muppets with those eyes on the runway. Holy cow!!!

Bridget said...

Oh - I loved your recap! So funny, I missed you tweeting this week :( Ramona sitting there in the sexy nightie was making me cringe in embarrassement for her - CRINGE. So bizarre! Almost as bizarre as the bug eyed walk we were all waiting for - even though I had seen it a hundred times in the promos it still cracked me up. Cheers to Bobby Zarin, the most gracious and humble of all the housewives! Well on tv anyway - I don't like hearing one bit he snubbed my friend suburban princess!

Jen said...

Oh btw, I thought that they got a little too 'up close and personal' as they showed Betheny and the pregnancy test. Give the woman a LITTLE privacy!

sevenalstons said...

I love your recap! Real Housewives of NY is the show that I feel like I shouldn't be watching but can't stop watching :) They are some crazy, crazy women.

Beth Dunn said...

I know, I used to love Jill but she is the biggest mean girl-I don't like her at all now! xoxo

Beth Dunn said...

Also I think Bravo tells them to be this mean. I just stopped following Jill on twitter-no I'm 12 LOL

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Ramona was priceless on the runway and then expecting all kinds of praise. Jill used to be one of my favs, but cannot take the grudge holding at all! GET OVER IT! Luann-just glad she's out of spotlight for a little while cause I don't like her at all. New girl is sure to stir it up a bit. I love this group of messed up women. Ha!

Debra said...

It's funny, I used to like Jill & Ramona and hate Bethenny. Now I think Bethenny is okay and Jill & Ramona are crazy loons. Or maybe I am...

It's a bad trainwreck but I keep watching. Is it next week yet???

Anonymous said...

Well, I confess that I didn't read your post because I haven't seen the episode and am going to wait to read your comments until I've seen it (although I've seen the Ramona runway footage and OMG). All I can say about her is that I bet the Bravo casting directors screamed, "JACKPOT!!!" when they found her.

Coryanne Ettiene | Kitchen Living with Coryanne said...

curese, we had the NJ wives here and then they stopped showing it..I guess the table incident did not fit well with English manners? I am so looking forward to being stateside so I can delight in all of this. Thanks for a recap of what fun I am missing.

bevy said...

I have DVRed the past few episodes, so I am out of the loop. But love, love, love your review!

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

Fun recap!

Gotta say that I'm tiring of the (surely staged?) uber-drama this season . . . not to pretend that I'm above enjoying the spats, but surely one of them has the occasional kind, non-dramatic word to say about someone, anyone else? When Bobby Zarin is our favorite Housewife - Bethenny, my prior girl crush, is getting too into the drama herself - something has gone terribly wrong ..