
Fabulous Fortieth Birthday Party!

My fortieth is around the corner!!! I had to put together a list of my top 40  (Like Casey Kasem), the songs I'd like to hear and dance to at my party. It was tough to narrow down!! Tell me what you think of my list. Did I leave anything out?

Ps I already told them I love 70's and 80's music!

1. Ladies Night Kool and The Gang
2. Get down on it
3. This is your night
4. Makin it- david naughton
5. You used to hold me so tight- Thelma houston
6. You want this- Janet Jackson
7. Beyonce- single ladies put a ring on it
8. Circus- Britney
9. womanizer- Britney
10. Instant Replay- Dan Hartman
11. Shake your body down to the ground- Jacksons
12. PYT
13. Blame it on the boogie
14. Got me working day and night
15. Wanna be startin somehthin
16. Jameriqui -virtual insanity
17. Play -Jlo
18. Get right
19 Feelin so good
20. Gold digger- Kanye
21. touch the sky
22. Signs- Justin Timberlake
23. Rock your body
24. Bad boy/ Havin a party- Luther Vandross
25. Shine
26. I'm coming out- Diana Ross
27. Freak out- chic
28. Return of the Mack- lavert
29 Cassanova- Le Vert
30. That girl is poison- BBD
31. Joy and pain- maze and Frankie bev
32. Can't tough this MC Hammer
33. Don't stop til you get enough MJackson
34. Rock with you
35. Off the wall
36. Midas touch-Midnight Star
37. Gettin Jiggy with it- Will smith
38.Nelly- hot in herre
39. The main event- Barbara Streisand
40. No more Tears

What's on your top forty list?



Suburban Princess said...

Music by Madonna is always at the top of my list for a party :O)

Bridget said...

Whatever you do - don't forget this!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XOY7lsBVpo
Love your list, love that you love Kanye too :)

Jen said...

Your list looks great! I recognized a lot of favorites.

Any black eyed peas????

bevy said...

"Makin' It"... OMW! I so remember that song... I am giggling!

Actually, I am listening to Sirius 80s on 8 and Van Halen's "Jump" is on now!

Coryanne Ettiene | Kitchen Living with Coryanne said...

so many great songs I have not thought about in ages...off the top of my head, I would choose Its Raining Men ( I know I know I am ashamed), Blister in the Sun, Can't get you out of my head or any of Kylie's dance songs and just because I like a good old fashioned cheesy song Thriller.

Debra said...

Great choices. I loved "Makin' it". Haven't heard/thought about that song in a very long time. :)