
Top Ten Toddler Must Haves!

Miss Coco is officially a toddler, and of course Landon was one so that makes me an expert on this subject right? Here are a few things that really have made life easier!

1) Baby Proofing Locks and Latches- Keep them out of the cabinets that you don't want them in, but give them a few they can open and discover!

2) Leapfrog Learn and Groove Music Table- a staple in our home and so great when they are just learning to stand!

3) Playskool Step Start Walk and Ride- an inter-changable walker and ride on that Coco has loved!

4) Outdoor infant toddler swing- Babies love to swing!

5) Step 2- Push around Buggy- Coco loves being pushed around in her little pink car. She holds the steering wheel. Another way to walk them around the block or park.

6) Leapfrog Fridge Farm Magnetic Set- This is a perfect fridge toy to entertain them while you make dinner. Coco moves the animals around and hears the noises they make.

7) Stacking cups- this is serious fun for kids, putting little objects in the cups, stacking them, simple and fun.

8) Fisher Price Rock and Stack- the old standby still works. Trust me.

9) Playskool Busy Poppin Pals- Another old stand by we love!!!

10) Fisher Price Ocean Crib Aquarium- People wonder why my kids go right to sleep. This is why!

How about you? What are your favorite toddler must haves? Share!


Unknown said...

Blocks, push car, balls, basketball hoop, puzzles, play kitchen and food, chalkboard, discovery box, and the favorite of them all bubbles... Congrats on your baby being a toddler. Fun times!

Unknown said...

I love how all toddlers love the same things. The Push Around buggy is a must! My daughter is now in love with all the wooden puzzles. I think her favorite part is dumping out all the pieces, but she has become great at putting them back, too. Plus, being the drill seargant mom that I am, I ask her to identify all the pieces as she puts them back. She has become quite a chatty Cathy. Oh, what am I saying, she has been a chatty Cathy since birth! :)

nanny said...

Thanks for the list....Miss Lila has a birthday coming up soon and I will remember these.....

Debra said...

Great choices! I still have locks on a few cabinets & my daughter is 8. The locks on the fridge and toilets were necessities here, too. (they are gone now).

I agree with Sarah about the play kitchen. I kept mine in the kitchen and she 'helped' me cook.

Sweet Southern Prep said...

Oh, what would my daughter do without #2! Love all your picks! :)

Tara said...

The Rock and Stack, stacking cups and Learn and Groove Table are definite hits in this household as well. I will have to look for that Fridge Farm - it sounds great!

MMM said...

We love everything on your list! Also the playschool ball popper, the radio flyer push wagon, roger priddy books, melissa and doug's band in the box, any and all balls, melissa and doug puzzles (especially the ones that make sounds)!