
The Real Housewives of OC- Trashy update

Well, you didn't think you could learn anymore trash about these people until you watch the latest episode. Where does it end!!! (I love it)

Jeanna goes home to see her parents after not going home for YEARS, not taking her kids to see their grandparents because their too busy....and she tells her half blind father to get on a plane! Stevie Wonder travels all over the world! Isn't she a great daughter!?

The Vegas trip now has me hating Gretchen. Her fiance is out of the hospital and half dead and she leaves teenagers to take care of him so she can go on her girls trip. (It was already planned!) Who cares?! Take care of him and stay home IDIOT!

Gretchens goal in life is not to be boring? You are loud and annoying! Love when Jeanna said Lynne was boring! So spot on!

In Vegas Lynne once again proves she's a dingbat by not knowing if she has air conditioning. Seriously? Are you that stupid? It's impossible!!!!
Raise your hand if you hate her? Mmmmmeeeemmemmeeee! And her shaking her ass in that tiny dress? Gross.

Then we see Lynne is (OF COURSE) the reason her kids are brats. She's afraid to turn on the vacuum cleaner because she doesn't want to wake them up!!!! They probably sleep until noon! DELUSIONAL. She refuses to take the car away from Raquel because it was her bday present? What? Take it away idiot!

Vicky was sweet talking to Briana about her boyfriend. She won points with me there. I don't even care anymore that she is totally flirting with too many men. She needs her love tank filled! LOL.

Tamras mom's face lift looks pretty damn good I must say. Love that Tamra is marrying her off!


Far From Perfect said...

I have to DVR this show because these women annoy me soooo much.

But they have me sucked in!! I agree with you on every point.

Who doesn't know if they have AC???

Sandra said...

How am I missing this show every week??? I must be watching something else during that time slot. . . I guess I'll catch them all next time they do a marathon. Thanks for keeping me updated!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Uhm yeah- the boyfriend comes home,he's looking like shit and then she takes off to vegas? I'm SORRY!?! planned or not Gretchen should have never gone. And Lynne is just gross...and nasty...and boring...and should just get a clue...those girls will be getting bailed out of jail before you know it!

Melissa said...

I wonder if lynne is really THAT dumb (with the AC thing) or if it was a bit of an act, like Gretchen with pretending to not know how to plan Blackjack. I really don't like either of them. I used to like Gretchen, but she's annoying now and it was SO wrong to leave her dying fiancee!

Nantucket Karen said...

I'm sitting here, reading this post and liteally HOWLING WITH LOUD LAUGHTER!! My 2 little boys are right behind me, playing cards and looking at me like I've lost my mind; I don't care, YOU CRACK ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, Tamra's Mom looks dynomite;it took @15 years off and I'm gonna have to look up her plastic surgeon in a few years. Did you happen to see Tamra' brothers???? Dear God; don't even get me started....
Lynn's mothering SUCKS! She needs to stop spending so much time making those hideous "cuffs" and start parenting Raquel! In Vegas, shaking her butt in that "dress"? Repulsive! Her long, straw-like fake hair needs to be cut too!
Vicki's "friends wanting to come out to play" while she's trying to get on one of her "peep's" husbands? Sick! I still feel incredibly sorry for 'ol Don; nicest guy in the world who should leave her for Jeana and fast!
Totally disappointed in Gretchen's SELFISH, SELF-ABSORBED behavior, especially after seeing poor Jeff; I gasped at his deterioration:(
As always, looking forward to your new "re-caps" and thanks for NEVER FAILING TO MAKE ME LAUGH!!!!

Preppy Mama said...

I so live for this show. Gretchen is getting on my nerves and when are they going to announce this poor guy is dead? Lynne, is she playing dumb? The whole vacuum cleaner thing bugged me too. What about the HS that Lynne's daughter Rachel went to? Jeanna made a comment that she was surprised Rachel went there because it had a reputation as a school for kids who had issues? What's that about?

Petunia said...

Jeanna is plain mean. Lynne is dumb and not attractive at all with that too dark tan and horrible implants. Gretchen is narcissistic and reminds me of too many people in real life. Haha! All in all -- totally entertaining!
I love Tamra, and my favorite was Laurie but I guess she is gone this season. :)

Jill said...

I always agree with your hilarious assessments. Too funny.

Kiki said...

You are right on the money with this and now I am SOOOO looking forward to the NY one because Jill Zarin cracks me up...

Jess said...

I lost my likeness for Gretchen on this show. Poor Jeff, he looked horrible compared to the last show he appeared on. It's sad to know that he is dead now and that he had to buy the love of this woman in his dying days, too bad he didn't have someone who really cared about him in the end.
I can't stand Lynne, what were the producers thinking when they cast this loser. She needs to go, I say bring back Quinn!!!
Tamra's mom did look good, too bad she couldn't have been introduced to Jeff...
If Jeanna put in the effort she uses to put down other people into finding a decent man she wouldn't be so bad.
I like Vicki, she is a hard worker, but she is just crazy. Like seriously crazy.

Love your reviews, looking forward to this weeks.

Pink Flamingo said...

I finally caught up w/ the show on my DVR...the ladies always seem to amaze me and bring me much laughter. The all get on my nerves one way or another. Lynne is such a waste of air time in my honest opinion.