
L.A. Story #327 and a Sanity Break!

Guess who I saw last week? Hubby and I went on our one last journey to Laguna as people with one child. Can you believe I am almost 31 weeks? We Went to the Montage for lunch (fabulous) and who do I see at the next table?

David Annable!

He is waaaay hotter in person. So cute! I love him on Brothers and Sisters.

Anyhoo, hubby and I decided not to go away to Palm Springs because of the weather and instead took a full day and night together!

Uncle Sharpy and Rere babysat while we: Lunched at the Montage Hotel,

ate Haagen Daz while looking at the Ocean, window shopped, drove up the coast looking for the Real Houswives of OC (just kidding sort of), and dinner out Maggianos. It was so great. We were back in time to say goodnight to Landon, happy and refreshed!


Surf Girl said...

You look so cute! And I love Dave Annable - B&S is my favorite show. I'm so jealous! :) I'm glad you had a good time away!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

sounds like an AWESOME day!

Debbie said...

Sounds like a great time! And I've never had a celebrity sighting. How fun.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

That sounds wonderful!!!! You were right near me.....

lizziefitz said...

So Much Fun! You and hubby look adorable together ! I am so excited to ee pictures of Coco...9 more weeks or less!

Pink Flamingo said...

Haagan Daz while looking at the ocean...talk about a perfect pair.
All in all, sounds like you and the Mr. had a wonderful day in Laguna just the two of you...YAY! :)

Andy said...

You look super cute. I keep meaning to introduce you to my new happy find... South Beach diet protein cereal bars. In chocolate flavor! Now maybe I'v just been on the diabetes deprived lifestyle for far too long. But they are lots of protein and 15 carbs. A perfect snack. And they are YUMMY!

That said... I packed a gigantic Hershey bar in my hospital bag. Hopefully I'll be chomping that by this weekend.

Preppy Mama said...

Wow I can't believe you are nearing the end! No Housewives sitings?? Bummer!!! I can't wait to watch tonight!!!

Kate said...

I am so so jealous of your sighting! My friend saw Dave (with Emily VanCamp) at Century City and I missed them by an hour!

Sounds like a very relaxing mini vacation :)

Clare said...

You look GREAT!! I am so in love with him, hot, hot!! lucky girl:)

Hillcrest Acres said...

Sounds like fun. That's a cute photo of you and hubby and you look so cute pregnant.

I too would have been on the lookout for the Real Housewives. I would love to see them in person out and about.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous day - and you look so great!! You must be getting very excited now with only a few weeks to go! btw - I love the Batchelor but we prob won't get the series you are watching until 2015.

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Looks like a fabulous time! So glad you got to getaway. I love me some Laguna! You look fab!

Kiki said...

You really do look amazing and that pic of you and your adorable husband is, well, adorable. Looks like a great get away....lucky girl!!

Karen said...

You look so cute!! Sounds like a wonderful getaway.
