
Choosing a God Parent

Hubby and I have been talking almost nightly about who we would like to be baby Girls God Parents. My theory on God Parents changed a lot after I was my friend Nick passed away.

Nick died of colon cancer at a very young age leaving two young kids and one of my best friends a widower in her early thirties. On a visit to L.A. after his death, their mom had me regale the kids with funny stories about Nick.

This really had me thinking. Who knows me? Who could tell my kids about me in a way that maybe parents or family could not?

I never had God Parents, and I think I was missing out. God Parents are part of the team of advisers that make up your life. Your child will have Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, but God Parents I believe should be a trusted friend and spiritual guide.

This week we asked my (best guy friend from college), PW to be a godfather, as well as two ladies from our small group (okay it's a bible study) Cate (surfer chick, late twenties, total zen person) and Anne (business woman, traditionalist, with great style) to be God Mothers. Rounding out the group are Hunter (guitarist for famous band) and Mary Bonner (actress and deep river of spirituality). They all know us in different yet very deep ways. They are also very unique in their own ways.

I think Baby Girl is the luckiest person to have them!
Okay...enough of baby girl. You want to know her name don't you? How about I reveal her nick name on Friday?!


Alison said...

What an amazing crew! I didn't have god parents either, so I guess I hadn't thought much about it. What you are saying makes so much sense, and baby girl is going to be blessed with an amazing "inner circle."

Have a great day!

lizziefitz said...

Thank God, I have been wondering about baby girl so much. Names, nursery, etc? Great picks on god parents.

NPS Photography said...

Mary Bonner...so funny to see her name on your blog! I grew up in DC and she was one of my sister's good friend's in elementary school. Didn't know she was an actress (and I've actually seen her in a few things without knowing!).
On another note, God Parents are such a wonderful part of a child's life. Our boys each have 4. Can't wait to read your little one's nick name:-)

Belle said...

That is so smart of you. What a great group of people you chose! She and Landon are lucky babies to have you two as parents. :)

I'm dying to know the name!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is an honor to be chosen as a GP for the BG. Rest assured I will spoil her rotten.

Melissa said...

Your little girl is VERY lucky to have such a great group of people around her!

I can't wait for the nickname! Whenever someone gets pregnant with a girl, I wonder if they will use the same baby name I want to use if I have a daughter one day!

Suzanne said...

I agrre with you, Godparents play a very special role in a child's life. Sounds like you and your husband gave it a lot of thought!

Can't wait to hear her nickname!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I just love the idea of God Parents! I have been thinking about that as well since my husband became ill. I would love to have someone share stories with my kids about their dad. Thanks for reminding me of this:) I know just the person for the job!

Yellow Beads said...

this is such a painful subject for me right now. I picked up best friend, who was one of two bridesmaids at my wedding, to be A's godmother (and her hubby to be godfather). They were great at first, and now we haven't talked to them in over 4 months!!!! Sad part, they only live 7 miles down the road! Ugh!!!

Nantucket Karen said...

I CAN NOT WAIT to find out "Baby Girl's Name"!! We're going to get a new puupy soon and I'm going to name her Chloe, for the "baby girl" I never had!!

Clare said...

it sounds like you have a great support group! can't wait to hear the nickname, i am going to be guessing:)

Kate said...

I can't wait to find out her nickname!

Kiki said...

Can't wait to hear her nickname...so glad I'm off on Friday so I can check first thing!!!

I love that you picked different kinds of people to be the godparents...I'm always so blessed when people I am close to but not related to call me Auntie Kiki...it's comforting!!!

My sister,Lauren, gave me my nickname when we tried to get her to say my name, instead she said, Kiki, and it stuck!!! Luckily I love it!!!

Surf Girl said...

What a great group of godparents! I love that they are such different personalities. I didn't have godparents either, but I did have seven aunts and uncles who definitely fit the job description. We have a great set of godparents for Boogie Boy - and we make a big deal out of their place in his life.
I can't wait to hear baby girl's nickname on Friday! :)