
The Tide Is Turning

It started with dinner at our pastors house. Hubby was helping build a ramp for his mom who is now in a wheel chair. If you haven't read my "post it" post, look it up under: One Fabulous Moms Musings in the categories section, her story is so inspirational. We were there and Landon was visiting his girlfriend (preachers daughter, I know, we are in big trouble) and we had a little dance party and the kids were so happy and sweet. They shared a bath (Landon's first shared bath!), and had pj time together. They were so sweet it lifted my spirits and made me forget about the latest round of doctors I went to. More on that later but please keep praying for me.

Then we went to Hollywood Park and bet on the Kentucky Derby and won. Okay we bet $2 and won $6 but let me tell you this felt like a great win in a sea of our tough times. We were happy.

Then I went to church this Sunday still feeling pretty sad and low. Low and behold pastor again gave the sermon of a lifetime based (ironically) on the Children's book You are Special.

Here's the book synopsis.

Every day the small wooden people called Wemmicks do the same thing: stick either gold stars or gray dots on one another. The pretty ones--those with smooth wood and fine paint--always get star stickers. The talented ones do, too. Others, though, who can do little or who have chipped paint, get ugly gray stickers. Like Punchinello.

In this heartwarming children's tale from the best-selling pen of author Max Lucado, Eli the woodcarver helps Punchinello understand how special he is--no matter what other Wemmicks may think. It's a vital message for children everywhere: that regardless of how the world evaluates them, God cherishes each of them, just as they are.

As Punchinello starts to believe he is special his gray stickers pop of and no longer stick to him. This lead to pastor talking about his special needs son who teaches him this lesson every day. That he wants to live in a world where there are no stickers, where stickers don't stick.

I bawled. Landon teaches me this everyday too.

So I think the tide is turning. I'm going to expect good things, in fact great things. I want to live a life without stickers. Don't you?


justme said...

you are making me want to change my religiion !!! great post

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I am glad things are looking better for you. You are still in my prayers.

What a sweet childrens book! I need to give that to some of the kids in my life.

Enjoy your day!

Sweet Pea Chef said...

I've heard about this book before but never read it. I will have to put it on my list! The Hermie children's board books by Max Lucado are really great too!

Melissa said...

That's such a nice story!

Sweet Pea Chef said...

BTW, would you mind sharing the name of your church? I know someone who is looking for a new church home and it sounds like yours is really great!

Bridget said...

We have that book! Thanks for reminding me - I am off to look for it to read to my 3 yo tonight!

Please expect GREAT things... attitude is everything :)

Great post! I'm going to make my day sticker free too :)

lizziefitz said...

If you rub oil all over your body, stickers can't stick!LOL, I am trying to live in a non -sticker world too:) I have found that some make there way onto my back, "KICK ME". Watch your back sista!

Always Organizing said...

Great post! I think I will buy that book for my friends who have kids. Sounds special.

WSU Laura said...

I am going to get that book for
BB2's class, what a wonderful message. I owuld love for it to be a sticker free world as well. I hope things continue to get better for you. you are in my htoughts and prayers.

Lindsey said...

Lovely story! I am glad the tide is turning for you.

Anonymous said...

I love that book. I've used it several times in storytelling, once in a sermon, and occasionally I just get it out to read to myself.

Tippy said...

Great post - I need to remember this.

The Chic Chauffeur said...

I'm so glad you had such an uplifting sermon. I can't wait to find that book! Your family is in my prayers!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Such a great story! My thoughts and prayers are still with you. It's times like these when I love to read Footprints in the Sand. I (and know you do too) believe you will have help along the way in this difficult part of your journey.

Lamp Tramp said...

Your post made me cry...but in a good way! I hope and pray for you & family that everything gets back to where it should be. Medical issues are the worst thing to deal with ....emotional issues can be just as bad or worse...hope you and Landon are OK...xoxo

Readings, Recipes and Rambles said...

Great Post.....I am enjoying your blog.....I want to get the book for my kids!!! Thanks.

Vita Fortunata said...

What a great story. I must get the book too.

The shirt is from
Thanks for the comments.

Beth said...

I must get that book. What a great post. I'm glad to hear things are looking up:) Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Keep smiling!

Karen said...

What a wonderful post. Your writing is just amazing and always makes me think. I will continue to pray for you and better times. I too, sometimes think...what else can go wrong, but I believe there is always a plan and HE is in control. Hope you have a good week.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the optimistic post! And thanks for stopping by my bubble world. Yes, we are a huge lax family. Hubby played in h.s. and I played field hockey (similar). Daughter loves it. I love that so many girls are playing these days. I didn't know it was popular in L.A.?

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Thanks for that post. It was uplifting. I'll search for this book. I forget he has children's books... Glad things are going a little better for you. I'm feeling blah myself today, but this helped!

Lori said...

Great post~ we love that book too!
I will be praying for you. :)

Belle said...

Thanks for the uplifting post. Needed that. Isn't it funny how we're always trying to teach our kids, but they've been the ones teaching us all along? Good luck with everything!

Kiki said...

God does speak through those pastor's doesn't He???? No stickers for me either!!! All the best to you, I'm still whispering your name to God!!!!

Kate said...

I love that book & haven't read it in a few years - thanks for posting about it! Have to dig it out for the kids!!

kenady said...

You and your family are forever in my thoughts and my heart. All will be well as your heart is in the right place. And no stickers, of course!